1/ See https://aka ams/new-console- template for more information using System.Componentiadel Design; using Console writeline("Hello , World!"); static void thing console ."irite("enter an integer:") string veril =Console.Read ing? int integer bool boolean =Convert.ToBoolean can (Console.Read _{ne(1) : string veril! Console.ReadLing() tại console Console. Vritel-ina(you entered:Integer (linteger); Float:{floatMui , Boolean: (boolean)String: ftext!" Gerl .Starts"ith(" Console.I'riteLine(veri 1 metin degil . (1) else if(veri2 .Starts"ith("b")) Console, "ritelines "veri 2 metin değil else if(veris .Starts"Hith("c")) Console, "riteline("veri 3 metin degil."); else if(veril)starts"lith Console, Triteline("veri 4 metin değil.");
(194 Oylar)
Elit · 8 yıl öğretmeni
Uzman doğrulaması
The provided code contains several syntax errors and typos. Here is the corrected version of the code:```csharpusing System;class Program{ static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"); Console.Write("Enter an integer:"); string veri1 = Console.ReadLine(); int integer = int.Parse(veri1); Console.Write("Enter a boolean value (true/false):"); string veri2 = Console.ReadLine(); bool boolean = Convert.ToBoolean(veri2); Console.Write("Enter a float value:"); string veri3 = Console.ReadLine(); float floatMui = float.Parse(veri3); Console.Write("Enter a string:"); string text = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("You entered:"); Console.WriteLine("Integer: " + integer); Console.WriteLine("Float: " + floatMui); Console.WriteLine("Boolean: " + boolean); Console.WriteLine("String: " + text); if (veri1.StartsWith("a")) { Console.WriteLine("veri1 metin değil."); } else if (veri2.StartsWith("b")) { Console.WriteLine("veri2 metin değil."); } else if (veri3.StartsWith("c")) { Console.WriteLine("veri3 metin değil."); } else { Console.WriteLine("veri4 metin değil."); } }}```The corrected code includes the following changes:1. Fixed the class name to `Program` to match the standard naming convention for C# programs.2. Corrected the method name `thing` to `Main` to match the standard naming convention for the entry point of a C# program.3. Removed the unnecessary `.` from `Console.Write` and `Console.ReadLine`.4. Added missing `;` statements to terminate statements.5. Added the missing `class` keyword to define the class `Program`.6. Added the missing `static` keyword to the `Main` method.7. Added the missing `using System;` statement at the beginning of the code.8. Added the missing `Console.WriteLine` method calls to display the entered values.9. Added the missing `else` statement to complete the `if-else` statement chain.