Ana sayfa
The Implementation File Method insert bool Arraylist<ItemType>:insert(int newPosition, const ItemlyyeB newEntry) template<class ItemType> bool ablefolnsert = (newPosition >=1) 88 (newPosition <= itemCount 88 (itemCount < maxItems); if (ableToInsert) 11. Make room for new entry by shifting all entries at 11 positions from itemCount down to newPosition 11 (no shift if newPosition =s itemCount +1) for (int pos = itemCount; pos so newPosition; pos-) items[pos +1] =itens[pos]: 11 Insert new entry items(newPosition) = newEntry; 11 Increase count of entries 11 end if See return ableToInsert; Arrayl ist/che9- end insert arraylist-driver


The Implementation File
Method insert
bool Arraylist<ItemType>:insert(int newPosition, const ItemlyyeB newEntry)
template<class ItemType>
bool ablefolnsert = (newPosition >=1) 88 (newPosition <= itemCount
88 (itemCount < maxItems);
if (ableToInsert)
11. Make room for new entry by shifting all entries at
11 positions from itemCount down to newPosition
11 (no shift if newPosition =s itemCount +1)
for (int pos = itemCount; pos so newPosition; pos-)
items[pos +1] =itens[pos]:
11 Insert new entry
items(newPosition) = newEntry;
11 Increase count of entries
11 end if	See
return ableToInsert;
Arrayl ist/che9-
end insert	arraylist-driver

The Implementation File Method insert bool Arraylist<ItemType>:insert(int newPosition, const ItemlyyeB newEntry) template<class ItemType> bool ablefolnsert = (newPosition >=1) 88 (newPosition <= itemCount 88 (itemCount < maxItems); if (ableToInsert) 11. Make room for new entry by shifting all entries at 11 positions from itemCount down to newPosition 11 (no shift if newPosition =s itemCount +1) for (int pos = itemCount; pos so newPosition; pos-) items[pos +1] =itens[pos]: 11 Insert new entry items(newPosition) = newEntry; 11 Increase count of entries 11 end if See return ableToInsert; Arrayl ist/che9- end insert arraylist-driver


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This code is a method implementation for inserting an item into an ArrayList. The method is named "insert" and it takes two parameters: an integer "newPosition" and a constant "ItemType" "newEntry". The method returns a boolean value indicating whether the insertion was successful or not.<br /><br />The method first checks if the "newPosition" is within the valid range (greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the itemCount). If it is, it makes room for the new entry by shifting all entries at positions from itemCount down to newPosition. If newPosition is equal to itemCount + 1, no shift is needed. Then, it inserts the new entry at the newPosition and increases the count of entries. Finally, it returns true to indicate that the insertion was successful.<br /><br />It seems that there are some syntax errors in the code, such as the use of "88" instead of "&" and "11." instead of "if". Also, the method name should be "insert" instead of "Arraylist/che9-".
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