Every year, Earth follows a slightly elliptical path around the sun, resulting in two significant points in its orbit. One day, known as perihelion marks the closest proximity between Earth and the sun, while another day, called aphelion, represents the farthest distance between them. While perihelion and aphelion vary by millions of miles, their influence on Earth's temperatures is minimal. Scientists have determined that the primary factor responsible for the changing seasons is actually the 23.5-degree tilt of Earth's axis. Which finding, if true, would most directly support the scientists finding? A) During perihelion, the continent on Earth that is directly facing the sun typically experiences temperatures that are 1.5^circ C higher than normal. B) In July, the Southern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and experiences shorter and colder days. C) During aphelion, the continent on Earth that is facing away from the sun typically experiences temperatures that are 1.5^circ C than normal. D) For each hemisphere summer always occurs during perihelion and winter always occurs during aphelion.
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Elit · 8 yıl öğretmeniUzman doğrulaması
The correct answer is B) In July, the Southern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and experiences shorter and colder days.<br /><br />Explanation:<br />The question states that the primary factor responsible for the changing seasons is the 23.5-degree tilt of Earth's axis. This means that the tilt of the Earth's axis, not the distance from the sun, is the main reason for the changing seasons.<br /><br />Option A suggests that during perihelion, the continent facing the sun experiences higher temperatures. This does not directly support the scientists' finding that the tilt of the axis is the primary factor.<br /><br />Option B states that in July, the Southern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and experiences shorter and colder days. This directly supports the scientists' finding that the tilt of the axis is the primary factor responsible for the changing seasons.<br /><br />Option C suggests that during aphelion, the continent facing away from the sun experiences lower temperatures. This does not directly support the scientists' finding.<br /><br />Option D states that summer always occurs during perihelion and winter always occurs during aphelion. This is not true, as the seasons are determined by the tilt of the Earth's axis, not the distance from the sun.<br /><br />Therefore, the finding that would most directly support the scientists' finding is option B.
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