Where does the clock pulses should be taken from to made an up-counter? a. Direct clear section of each flip flop b. Inverted outputs of each flip flop c. Direct set section of each flip flop d. Regular outpus of each flip flop e. None of them
(192 Oylar)
Kıdemli · 12 yıl öğretmeni
Uzman doğrulaması
The correct answer is b. Inverted outputs of each flip flop.In an up-counter, the clock pulses are taken from the inverted outputs of each flip flop. This is because the inverted output of a flip flop is used to trigger the next flip flop in the sequence. When the clock pulse is applied to the inverted output of a flip flop, it causes the flip flop to toggle, changing its state from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0. This change in state is what allows the up-counter to count up.The other options are incorrect because they do not accurately describe where the clock pulses should be taken from to make an up-counter. The direct clear section of each flip flop is used to reset the flip flop to its initial state, the direct set section of each flip flop is used to set the flip flop to its final state, and the regular outputs of each flip flop are the output signals that are used to perform the counting operation.