
1) Which is NOT one of Atatark's principles? A) Republicanism (B)Fascism C) Populism D)Laicite E) Nationalism 2) Law for Restoration of Order (Takrir-1 Sikun Kanunu) was enacted upon which event? (A) Seyh Sait Event B) Conquest of Istanbul C) The Armistice of Mudanya D) Second Siege of Vienna E) Battle of Gallipoli 3) Which is NOT one of the battles on the Western Front? A) 1st Inonu Battle B) 2nd Inõnũ Battle C) Sakarya Battle D) Great Offensive (Buyuk Taarruz) (E) Astrakhan Expedition 4) Which war was it that Mustafa Kemal said "Armies Your first target is Mediterranean"? A)1st Inǎnú Battle B) 2nd Inõnti Battle C) Sakarya Battle D) Great Offensive (Buyuk taarruz) E) Battle of Kutahya -Eskisehir 5) Which one was implemented to ensure unity in education? A) Law for Restoration of Order (Takrir-i Sukun Kanunu) (B) The Union of Education Law (Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu) C) Adoption of New Turkish Alphabet D) Abolishment of Sultanate E) Sumame Law 6)(1)The Union of Education Law II. Proclamation of Islamic Democracy III.Foundation of Socialist Federation IV Adoption of New Turkish Alphabet Which ones were Ataturk's Revolutions? A) 1-11 B) 1-III C) I-IV D) II-III E) III-IV 7) In which battle on the Western Front did the Greek Army defeat the Turkish forces? A) Kutahya-Eskiyehir Battles (B) 1st Inõn0 attle C) 2nd Inōnti Battle D) Great Offensive E) Sakarya Battle 8) It was a rationalist, anticlerical secularism. The Kemalist principle of __ was not against an enlightened Islam, but against an Islam, which was opposed to modernization. According to the information , please fill in the blank with the correct principles of Ataturk. A) Nationalism B) Revolutionism C) Populism (D)Laicite E) Republicanism 9) According to Mustafa Kemal, research in history is crucial. Thus, he ordered the establishment of the Turkish Historical Association. Which of the following is NOT the political target of the concept of Turkish Historical Research? A) To develop a new national historical concept B) To develop the Turkish national awareness C) To justify civilization as a mutual asset of mankind D) To show Anatolia was a real homeland of Turks (E) To create a fascist state 10) Which events resulted in the cancellation of the Progressive Republican Party in 1925? (A) Sheikh Said Rebellion and Izmir Assassination Attempt B) Abolishment of the Sultanate C) The Promulgation of the Republic D) Surname Law E) The Adoption of New Turkish Alphabet
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Usta · 5 yıl öğretmeniUzman doğrulaması
1) B) Fascism<br />2) A) Seyh Sait Event<br />3) C) Sakarya Battle<br />4) D) Great Offensive (Buyuk Taarruz)<br />5) B) The Union of Education Law (Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu)<br />6) C) I-IV<br />7) B) 1st Inõn0 Battle<br />8) D) Laicite<br />9) E) To create a fascist state<br />10) A) Sheikh Said Rebellion and Izmir Assassination Attempt
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