Biyoloji Ödev Yardımı
Biyoloji öğrenmenin en zorlu kısmı, öğrencilerin biyolojinin mikroskobik dünyasını anlamalarını, hücrelerin içine nasıl girip genleri ve molekülleri nasıl keşfedeceklerini nasıl sağlayacaklarıdır. Ancak bilgi teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle birlikte, ne kelimelerin ne de resimlerin biyoloji konularını tam olarak açıklayamadığı durumlarda biyoloji ödevi yardımı önemli bir rol oynayabilir.
QuestionAI, çeşitli deneyler ve ilgili alıştırmalar dahil olmak üzere, yaygın biyoloji soruları yardımcısından temel olarak farklı olan, biyoloji bilgisini öğrenmenize ve uzmanlaşmanıza yardımcı olan bir çevrimiçi biyoloji öğrenme yazılımıdır. Burada, bilgi noktalarını öğrenmek ve anlamak için sığdan derine, katman katman deneysel senaryoları yeniden oluşturmak için deneyleri simüle edebilirsiniz.
- 18. What is the difference between basal lamina and basement membrane? 19. What are the steps of tissue preparation for light microscopy?
- E. 5. __ contain desmocollins and desmogleins. A. Zonula occludens B. Macula adherens C. Gap junction D. Zonula adherens E. Focal adhesions which of the following is not a function of epithelial tissue
- 1. Which of the following is false about apical cell surface specialization? A. Sterocilia increase the cells' surface area. B. Axonem consist of 9+2 microfilaments assembly. C. Cilia are larger than microvilli. D. Microvilli are referred to as brush border and striated border in small intestine and kidney respectively. E. Sterocilia have a motion-detecting function. 2. Which of the following is not a purpose of fixation? A. Terminate cell metabolism. B. Enabling lysosomes to discharge their contents. C. Harden the tissue as a result of either cross-linking or denaturing protein molecules. D. Kill pathogenic microorganisms. E. Prevent enzymatic degradation of cells and tissues by self- digestion 3. Which of the following is false about acidic and basic dyes? A. Acidic dyes react with anionic groups in cell and tissues. B. Mitochondria and extracellular fibers are acidophiliC. C. Heterochromatin and matrix of cartilage are basophiliC. D. Basic dyes carries a net positive charge on its colored portion. E. Pyronin G is a basic dye and stains red. A. Which of the following is true about organelles? A. rER is responsible for steroid synthesis. B. Golgi contains about 40 different hydrolytic enzymes. C. Microtubules are the thinnest cytoskeletal elements, C. Micronibule the site of rRNA synthesis and ribosomal subunit assembly. E. Mitochondria have a folded single membrane.
- 13. What is the resolving power of unaided/naked human eye? A. 0,2 micrometer B. 200 nanometer C. 200 milimeter D. 0,2 milimeter E. 2000 micrometer 14. Reticular fibers are stained with __ A. Masson's trichrome B. Silver salts C. Orcein D. Periodic acid-Schiff E. Safranin 15. Excretion of spermium into the seminiferous tubule is a type of A. Autocrine secretion B. Apocrine secretion C. Merocrine secretion D. Holocrine secretion E. Paracrin secretion 16. Which of the following is false about connective tissue? A. Loose connective tissue contains faintly stained ground substance with fine fibers of collagen. B. Reticular connective tissue contains type III collagen. C. Mucoid tissue is an embryonic type of connective tissue. D. Dense irregular connective tissue forms the capsule of testis. E. Wharton's jelly is an exampele of dense regular connective tissue. 17. Which of the following is an anchoring collagen? A. Type II collagen B. Type III collagen C. Type IV collagen D. Type VII collagen E. Type I collagen 18. What is the difference between basal lamina and basement membrane? 20. Why do we call pseudostratified columnar epithelium as pseudostrafied? 19. What are the steps of tissue preparation for light microscopy?
- 3. What is the resolving power of unaided/naked human eye? A. 0,2 micrometer B. 200 nanometer C. 200 milimeter D. 0,2 milimeter E. 2000 micrometer 14. Reticular fibers are stained with __ A. Masson's trichrome B. Silver salts C. Orcein D. Periodic acid-Schiff E. Safranin 15. Excretion of spermium into the seminiferous tubule is a type of A. Autocrine secretion B. Apocrine secretion C. Merocrine secretion D. Holocrine secretion E. Paracrin secretion 16. Which of the following is false about connective tissue? A. Loose connective tissue contains faintly stained ground substance with fine fibers of collagen. B. Reticular connective tissue contains type III collagen. C. Mucoid tissue is an embryonic type of connective tissue. D. Dense irregular connective tissue forms the capsule of testis. E. Wharton's jelly is an exampele of dense regular connective tissue. 17. Which of the following is an anchoring collagen? A. Type II collagen B. Type III collagen C. Type IV collagen D. Type VII collagen E. Type I collagen 18. What is the difference between basal lamina and basement membrane? 19. What are the steps of tissue preparation for light microscopy? 20. Why do we call pseudostratified columnar epithelium as pseudostrafied?