Biyoloji Ödev Yardımı
Biyoloji öğrenmenin en zorlu kısmı, öğrencilerin biyolojinin mikroskobik dünyasını anlamalarını, hücrelerin içine nasıl girip genleri ve molekülleri nasıl keşfedeceklerini nasıl sağlayacaklarıdır. Ancak bilgi teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle birlikte, ne kelimelerin ne de resimlerin biyoloji konularını tam olarak açıklayamadığı durumlarda biyoloji ödevi yardımı önemli bir rol oynayabilir.
QuestionAI, çeşitli deneyler ve ilgili alıştırmalar dahil olmak üzere, yaygın biyoloji soruları yardımcısından temel olarak farklı olan, biyoloji bilgisini öğrenmenize ve uzmanlaşmanıza yardımcı olan bir çevrimiçi biyoloji öğrenme yazılımıdır. Burada, bilgi noktalarını öğrenmek ve anlamak için sığdan derine, katman katman deneysel senaryoları yeniden oluşturmak için deneyleri simüle edebilirsiniz.
- Soru3: Tútün ve tútün ürünlerinde bulunan zararl maddelerin bes tanesini yaziniz. (20)
- i Soru4: Alkolun Insan vücudunda etkiledigi organlari yaziniz.(20)
- Plants need magnesium and nitrates for healthy growth. (a) (i) What substance do plants make using magnesium? __ .... (ii) What type of substance do plants make using nitrates? __
- Read the following excerpts, which were taken from a series of longer essays about the environment. Choose the best heading for each one. 1 It is estimated that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch covers an area of roughly 1.6 million square kilometers. Alarmingly,it may include more than 80,000 metric tons of plastic. Research suggests that this environmental catastrophe, which is also known as the Pacific Trash vortex, is growing at an ever faster pace. Global Cleanup Efforts Wildlife in Danger The Scale of the Problem 2 Young people are becoming more and more concerned about the state of the world they are set to inherit. As a result, environmental activism is on the rise. In 2018, many protests and demonstrations were organized in countries throughout the world The aim of these events was to raise awareness about environmentalissues and to convince people that there is no time to waste. Getting Their Voices Heard Youth Activism Yields Results A Worrying Situation 3 Coral bleaching is the phenomenon whereby the relationship between coral polyps and algae begins to break down. Normally, algae live inside coral polyps and provide them with energy This relationship is what allows marine ecosystems like the Great Barrier Reef to thrive. In recent years,rising sea temperatures have led coral polyps to expel larger amounts of algae than usual. As a result, the polyps are dying and coral bleaching is becoming more widespread. Marine Ecosystems Coral Bleaching The Great Barrier Reef
- 29. Which of the following statements about blood vessels is incorrect? a. More than % 60 of the blood in our body is found in the veins. b. Muscular arteries and arterioles have multiple layers of elastin fibers which gives them recoil-like property. c. Arterioles provide the greatest resistance to the blood flow. d. Veins have valves to prevent backflow of blood. e Regulations of diameters (vasocon striction/vasodilation)of arterioles is done by increased/decreased sympathetic nervous system activity.