Biyoloji Ödev Yardımı
Biyoloji öğrenmenin en zorlu kısmı, öğrencilerin biyolojinin mikroskobik dünyasını anlamalarını, hücrelerin içine nasıl girip genleri ve molekülleri nasıl keşfedeceklerini nasıl sağlayacaklarıdır. Ancak bilgi teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle birlikte, ne kelimelerin ne de resimlerin biyoloji konularını tam olarak açıklayamadığı durumlarda biyoloji ödevi yardımı önemli bir rol oynayabilir.
QuestionAI, çeşitli deneyler ve ilgili alıştırmalar dahil olmak üzere, yaygın biyoloji soruları yardımcısından temel olarak farklı olan, biyoloji bilgisini öğrenmenize ve uzmanlaşmanıza yardımcı olan bir çevrimiçi biyoloji öğrenme yazılımıdır. Burada, bilgi noktalarını öğrenmek ve anlamak için sığdan derine, katman katman deneysel senaryoları yeniden oluşturmak için deneyleri simüle edebilirsiniz.
- Biologist Natacha Bodenhausen and colleagues analyzed the naturally occurring bacterial communities associated with leaves and roots of wild Arabidopsis thaliana, a small flowering plant. The researchers found many of the same bacterial genera in both the plants leaves and roots. To explain this, the researchers pointed to the general proximity of A. thaliana leaves to the ground and noted that rain splashing off soil could bring soil-based bacteria into contact with the leaves. Alternatively.the researchers noted that wind, which may be a source of bacteria in the aboveground portion of plants, could also bring bacteria to the soil and roots. Either explanation suggests that __ Which choice most logically completes the text? Choose 1 answer: A A. thaliana leaves and roots are especially vulnerable to harmful bacteria. B bacteria carried by wind are typically less beneficial to A. thaliana than soil-based bacteria are C many bacteria in A.tholiana leaves may have been deposited by means other than rain. D some bacteria in A.thaliana leaves and roots may share a common source. C Do4 problems O
- Biologist Natacha Bodenhausen and colleagues analyzed the naturally occurring bacterial communities associated with leaves and roots of wild Arabidopsis thaliana, a small flowering plant. The researchers found many of the same bacterial genera in both the plants leaves and roots. To explain this, the researchers pointed to the general proximity of A. thaliana leaves to the ground and noted that rain splashing off soil could bring soil-based bacteria into contact with the leaves. Alternatively.the researchers noted that wind, which may be a source of bacteria in the aboveground portion of plants, could also bring bacteria to the soil and roots. Either explanation suggests that __ Which choice most logically completes the text? Choose 1 answer: A A. thaliana leaves and roots are especially vulnerable to harmful bacteria. B bacteria carried by wind are typically less beneficial to A. thaliana than soil-based bacteria are. C many bacteria in A.thaliana leaves may have been deposited by means other than rain. ) some bacteria in A.thaliana leaves and roots may share a common source.
- Biologists have predicted that birds feather structures vary with habitat temperature, but this hadn't been tested in mountain environments. Omithologist Sahas Barve studied feathers from 249 songbird species inhabiting different elevations-and thus experiencing different temperatures-in the Himalaya Mountains. He found that feathers of high- elevation species not only have a greater proportion of warming downy sections to flat and smooth sections than do feathers of low-elevation species, but high clevation spocies' feathers also tend to be longer, providing a thicker layer of insulation. Which choice best states the main idea of the text? Choose 1 answer A Barve's investigation shows that some species of Himalayan songbirds have evolved feathers that better regulate body temperature than do the feathers of other species.contradicting previous predictions. B The results of Barve's study suggest that the ability of birds to withstand cold temperatures is determined more strongly by feather length than feather structure, challenging an established belief. C Barve found an association between habitat temperature and feather structure among Himalayan songbirds, lending new support to a general prediction. D Barve discovered that songbirds have adapted to their c Do 4 problems O 000
- Bezelyelerde uzun boy aleli (A), kisa boy aleline (a)baskindir.Yapilan bir çaprazlamada kisa boylu bezelye olusma olasiliği %25'tir. Buna gòre,, caprazlanan bezelyelerin genotiplerini yaziniz ve homozigot dollerle F2 çaprazlamasinin genotip ve fenotiplerini yaziniz.
- 15- Asagidak besin elementlerinden hangisi bitki su bütçesini etkiler? Cinko b) Potasyum Mangan Demir Bos birak