İş Atama Yardımı
Standart bir iş ödevi yazmak çoğu genç için asla kolay bir iş değildir. Görev konusunun, iş türünün ve yönünün iyi anlaşılmasını gerektirir; ödev için mükemmel taslak ve içerik çerçevesini geliştirmenin yanı sıra, ana metni yazma işine başlamanın yanı sıra metnin daha sonraki bir aşamada düzeltmelerini yapmak.
Bu nedenle, iyi fikirler edinmek için sıklıkla profesyonel görev yardımcıları ararlar. İster makalenin çerçevesini almak için yapay zekaya bazı talimatlar yazmak olsun, ister ilgi çekici konulara ulaşmak için ondan yardım istemek olsun. Eşsiz kalitede çözümleri anında geliştirmek için bizi tercih edebilirsiniz.
- the wo rd " TRUE" lí the statemen it is correct and write the word TALSI statemen is not correct. I __ Variable Costis a cost that changes in direct oroportion to changes in the cost dr 2 __ ibution margin is the difference of sales revenue and all variable costs. 3 __ BEP is determined by the intersection of the total revenue line and the tota exoense line. 4 __ Margin of Safety MOS is planned sales minus BEP unit sales 5 __ Breakever point is the level of out put where total revenues equal total costs PART II Matching __ 6 master budget B __ 7) Permanent cost A) Flexible budget __ 8) above BEP B) overall budeet C) profit D) Fixed Cost PART III CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER FROM THE GIVEN ALLTERNA TIVE MUI TIPLE CHOICE __ cvp Analysis:is one of the most powerful tools that managers have at their command A True B/ False C/Both D/ All 10) __ All costs are considered relevant except A sunk cost B fixed cost C/ variable cost D/all 10 __ particular decision situation,the manager's approach to cost analysi s are N Eliminate sunk cost B material cost C labor cost D/ All in __ Steps in the Decision Making Process are A Design organization B/specify the criterionC A and F 3 D/All 12) __ is examining shifts in costs and volume and their resulting effects on profit. A' CVP B'CM CI BEP D/ALL PART IV : SHORT ANSWER How CVP Analysis: is one of the most powerful tools that managers have at their com __ 14 List and define accounting for responsibility center. __
- PART I.Write the word "TRUE" If the statement is correct and write the word statement is not correct I __ Variable Costis a cost that changes in direct proportion to changes in the cost drive 2 __ Contri bution margin is the difference of sales revenue and al variable costs 3 __ BEP is determined by the intersectio n of the tota revenue line and the total expense line. 4 __ Margin of Safety (MOS) is planned sales minu s BEP unit sales __ Breakever point is the level of out put where tota revenues equal tota costs II Matching A __ 6) master budget A) Flexible budget __ 7) Permanent cost B) overall budget __ 8) above BEP C) profit D) Fixed Cost PARTIL CHOOSETHEBEST ANSWER FROM THE GIVEN ALLTERNA TIVE MUI TIPLE CHOICE __ is: is or le of the most powert ul tools that managers have at the command A True B/ False C/Both D/ All 10) __ All costs are considered relevant,except A sunk cost B/fixed cost C/ variable cost D/all 10) __ particular decisior situation the manager's approach to cost analysis are A Eliminate sunk cost B material cost C. labor cost D/ All in __ Steps in the Decision Making Process are A Design orgal nization B specify the criterionC A and B D/ All 12) __ is examining shifts in costs and volume and their resulting effects on profit A' CVP B'CM CI BEP D/ALL PAR TIV:SHORT ANSWER 131 How CVP Analysis:is one of the most powerfu tools that managers have at their comma __ __ a
- Cost And Management Accounting I final Examination for MTS 3^min year 2ste Semester. Exam Time-1:00 Hour Name ID See PART 1.Write the word"TR UE" If the statement is correct and write the word "EA so statement is not correct. I __ Variable Costis a cost that changes in direct proportion to changes in the cost drive 2 __ Contribution margin is the difference of sales revenue and al variable e costs 3 __ BEP is determin ed by th e intersectio of the tota revenue line and the tota expense line. 4 __ Margin o Safety MOS ) is planned sales minus BEP unit sales. s __ Breakever point is the level of out out wher e tota revenues equal tota costs PART II Matching A __ 6 master budget A) Flexible budget __ 7) point nent cost B) overall budget __ 8) above BEP C) profit D) Fixed Cost PART III CHOOSE : THE BES LANSWER FROM THE GIVE NALLTERN ATIVE MI A.TIPLE CHOICE 9 __ CVP Anah /sis: is one of the most power ful tools that ma nagers have at their command A True B/False C/Both D/ All 10) __ All costs are considered relevant except A sunk cost B fixed cost C/ variable cost D/all 10 __ particular decision situation,the manager's approach to cost analysis are Eliminate sunk cost B/ material cost C labor cost D All (1) __ Steps in the Decision Making Process are A Design organization B/specify the criterion A and B D All 12) __ is examining shifts in costs and volume and their resulting effects o profit. D/ALL A CVP B'CM CI BEP PART IV:SHORT ANSWER have at their comme __ 14 List and define accountin g for responsibility center. __ beautiful
- 37 Multiple Choice 1 point What type of auto insurance are you required to carry in almost every state (49 out of 50)? Insurance if you cause injury to yourself Insurance if you damage your own property Insurance if you cause injury to another person Insurance in case you get into an accident with someone who does not have insurance
- 36 Multiple Choice 1 point Which of the following statements explains what gross and net pay are on a paystub from your employer? Gross payis the total wages you've earned with any taxes and contributions removed, and net pay is larger to include all your benefits Gross pay is the total wages you've earned for the pay period.and net pay is smaller because taxes have been removed Gross pay is the total wages you've earned and net pay is the total amount in taxes you've paid Gross pay is the total wages for just this pay period, and net pay is total wages for the entire year to date