İş Atama Yardımı
Standart bir iş ödevi yazmak çoğu genç için asla kolay bir iş değildir. Görev konusunun, iş türünün ve yönünün iyi anlaşılmasını gerektirir; ödev için mükemmel taslak ve içerik çerçevesini geliştirmenin yanı sıra, ana metni yazma işine başlamanın yanı sıra metnin daha sonraki bir aşamada düzeltmelerini yapmak.
Bu nedenle, iyi fikirler edinmek için sıklıkla profesyonel görev yardımcıları ararlar. İster makalenin çerçevesini almak için yapay zekaya bazı talimatlar yazmak olsun, ister ilgi çekici konulara ulaşmak için ondan yardım istemek olsun. Eşsiz kalitede çözümleri anında geliştirmek için bizi tercih edebilirsiniz.
- 2.1 DOGRUSAI DENKLEMLER VE GRAFiKLER 2.1.1 Dogrusal Denklemler ve Esitsizlikler 8000TL% 12 faiz oraniyla 3 yilligina basit faize yatirilmistir. a. 3 yil sonraki faiz gelirini hesaplayiniz. b. 8 bin TL nin 3 yil sonraki gelecek degerini bulunuz.
- Match the following 1. a person who settles on land without title or right 2. a sharp sudden rise in prices resulting in a too great expansion in paper money or bank credit buying or selling when there is a large risk with the hopes of making a profit from future price changes 4. to make void prior to 1863-64 a bank operation with insufficient capital to redeem its circulating notes 6. the system or practice in which public offices were awarded to supporters of the winning party square wildcat bank square inflation square nullify square squatter square speculation square spoils system
- thinking and city-used techniques for exercises can be divided as a rational INCOUT OF EXONOMICSATION creative dischsiques for generating and refining research ideas can a) Discussion b) Keeping a notebook of your ideas d) Exploring perponal preferences using past projects d) Exploring relevance to builtiness using the projects e) Brainstorming There are four aspects of a critical approach that should be fostered by management education: Which ene of these aspects means appraising or evaluating a problem with effective use of language? a) Critique of rhetoric: b) Critique of tradition: d) Critique of objectivity c) None of them c) Critique of authority; 10. Which kind of nevers examines the body of theory that has accumulated in regard to an issue concept, theory or phenomenon and often used to establish what theories exist and the relationships between them. a) Integrative review; b) Thioretical review; c) Historical review: d) Methodological review: c) Systematic Feview 11. Which kind of review focuses on research approaches strategies, data collection techniques or analysis procedures, rather than the research findings.? a) Integrative review: b) Theoretical review: c) Historical review; d) Methodological review; e) Systematic review. 12. Researcher uses different sources for reviewing the literature. Some of them are general search engine and some of them are specialized search engine. Which one is the example of specialized search engine? a) Bing b)Google c)Google Scholar d)Publishers' catalogues homepage 13. Plagiarism, quite simply it is presenting someone else's work or ideas as if they are your own, with or without their consent and failing to fully acknowledge the original source. Depending on this explanation, which sentences below can be described as" Plagiarism"? e)Dotdash a) Quoting someone else's work, word for word,without acknowledgement. b) Cutting and pasting text diagrams or any other material from the Internet without acknowledgement c) Paraphrasing someone else's work by altering a few words or changing their order or closely following the structure of their argument without acknowledgement. d)Collaborating with others (unless expressly asked to do so such as in group work and not attributing the assistance received. c) All of them above 4. If the data collection is used to evaluate propositions or hypotheses related to an existing theory This process means, a) Deduction b) Induction c) Abduction d) Deduction and Induction together c) Induction and Abduction together
- 11. Which kind of review, focuses on research approaches, strategies, data collection techniques or analysis procedures, rather than the research findings.? a) Integrative review; b) Theoretical review; c) Historical review; d) Methodological review; e) Systematic review.
- Bir işletmenin Sermaye yapis:dağlumi; 1.600.000 TL borç ile 1.400.000 TL ozkaynaktan olusmaktadrr. Borçlarin maliyeti % 15 ve 6zkaynak maliyeti de % 20 ise Işletmenin ağirlikli ortalama sermaye maliyeti nedir? (Not:vergi orani % 20'dir).