İş Atama Yardımı
Standart bir iş ödevi yazmak çoğu genç için asla kolay bir iş değildir. Görev konusunun, iş türünün ve yönünün iyi anlaşılmasını gerektirir; ödev için mükemmel taslak ve içerik çerçevesini geliştirmenin yanı sıra, ana metni yazma işine başlamanın yanı sıra metnin daha sonraki bir aşamada düzeltmelerini yapmak.
Bu nedenle, iyi fikirler edinmek için sıklıkla profesyonel görev yardımcıları ararlar. İster makalenin çerçevesini almak için yapay zekaya bazı talimatlar yazmak olsun, ister ilgi çekici konulara ulaşmak için ondan yardım istemek olsun. Eşsiz kalitede çözümleri anında geliştirmek için bizi tercih edebilirsiniz.
- c) Delegation(d) Coordination (e)None of the 35. The motivation of attaining financial rewards by al bove 23. Jne of the following variables is not relevant to lemographic market segmentation strategy (a) festyle (b)Beliefs (c)Interest (d) Region 24. jank reconciliation statement is prepared to dentify the causes of the discrepancies setween cash book and bank balances. Which if the following is not a reason for such discrepancy? (a) Dishonoured cheque(b) lank charges (c) Unpresented cheque (d) "ostdated (e) cheque Uncredited cheque 25.business arrangement where one party allows nother party to use a business name and sell its products or services is known as __ (a) A ......................................................................manager business (c) A ranchise (d) A limited company (e) A joint venture 26. The Community as a feature of effective website Jesign refers to degree to which site __ inked to other sites (b) enables user to user .ommunication (c) operates independently (d) ustomisation 27 The factors in the marketing environment under he control of a marketer are called (I) 4Ps i)elements of the marketing mix (iii)external actors (a) (b)in(c) 18.8(c)) 8.ii(e) 28 The following are advantages of franchising except a) Cost effective for start-ups (b) Reduce' the hances of fallure (c)The corporate goodwill ilready established (c) Enhance creativity 29. The era in the evolution of marketing that lay emphasis on the involvement of the organisation in inproving the quality of life is ......(a) product era b) sples ere (c) production era (d)societal narketing era (e) sales era 30 Which of the following pricing strategy is targeted at conveying the Image of high quality product (a) ariable pricing (b) fellow the leader.pricing. (c) prestige pricing (d) skimming pricing (e) market penetration pricing 31 Corporate social responsibility in busiress organisations promotes. __ (a)turnover of staff in a Jobal business environment (D)stability in global usiness environment (clpoodvill in global usiness environment (c) volatile business invironment 3. The entity that normally engaged in the provision if products for commercial gain is (a) social intrepreneurship (b) joint venture (c)business (d) Social enterprise 35 When should an entrepreneur develop feasibility study? (i) expansion (i)new idea product or service (iii) new venture or product (a) i& li (b) ii 4 iii __ is what makes your product or service unique (a) target market (b) organisational structure (c) competitive advantage (d) online. narketing means' and the 'neglect of immediate community. raised the question of (a)ethics and socia responsibility in business organisation (b) ethics anc production. in the organisation (c) the quality o product in the organisation (d) social works in the organisation 36. A business at the decline stage is characterised by.... __ (a) low sales volume (b) low profitatility (c)ion cash inflow (d) high operating expenses (d) all of the above 37: Post purchase behaviour is aimed at reducing (a) cognitive dissonance (b) cognitive psychology (c)cognitive advertising (d) None of the above 38. The process of setting objectives and putting up the necessary steps to achieve the set objectives is called __ (a) creativity"(b) innovation (c) planning (d) risk management (e) entrepreneurship 39. The' following is reason for merger and acquisition except (a) Synergies (b)Greater market share (c)All of the above (d)None of the above 40. Ethics is derived from the Greek work called __ (a) Ethes (b) Ethos (c) Ethas (d) Ethis (e) Ethias 41. Ecological analysis involve the study of (a)cost and benefits (b) - environmental implications of the business (C) water pollution (d) None of the above 42. The following are examples of trade secrets except (a) formulae (b) patterns (c) methods (d)programmes (e) all of the above 43 Sensitivity analysis demonstrate to,what level or limit the Promoter or the Financier of a new project to be - (a) Optimistic (b)Conscious' (c) Pessimistic (d; Contended (e) Confident 44. Market segmentation is useful because (a) it leads to efficient use of marketing resources (b) understanding of customer needs (c) understanding of competitors in the segment (d) All of the above 45. The acronym PIECES stands for (a) Production Information, Environment, Consumption Efficiency Services (b)Performance, Information Economy. Control, Efficiency, Services (c)Performance Information, Economy, Effectiveness,Services (d - None of the above 46, Which of the following is'not a legal formalities for business start-up (a) business name and trade mark registration (b)jabour and employment issues (c intellectual property (d) all of the above 47. One of the-following is not part of strategy ar implementation section of business plan (a) promotic (b) life expectancy' of owners (c) pricing ( distribution network. 48. Managers effectively manage cash flows by improving receivables (ii) managing payables (i cash sales (a)i (b)if (c) i& li (d) iii 49. __ church teaches that, "science without conscient church (b) Protestant church of Roman empire can only lead to ruin" (a) the Magisterium of Englar Magisterium of the Catholic church (d) The Celesti church of Caosterica. 50. Prestige pricing is also known as __ (a) Premiu : pricing (b) Imaging pricing (c) All above (d)Nor above
- 1. To an extrepreneur, business planning process focuses on __ and __ (a) profit making and risk (b) uncertainty and risk management (c) implementation and profit making (d) business ideas and new product (e) all of the above 2. Business opportunity is best defined as __ (a) the extent to which possibilities for new ventures exist and the extent to which entrepreneurs have the iceway to influence their odds for success through their own actions(b) situation favorable to start a new business (c) perceived means' of; generating incomes that previously have not been exploited and are not currently being exploited by others (d) all of the above (d) none of the above 3. Synonyms to understanding the meaning and purpose of feasibility study include the following except (a) possibility (b)probability (c) practicability (d) adaptability (e) capability 4. Test marketing is mostly associated with (a) quality products (b) perishable products (c) unsought products (d) new products (e) consumer products 5. E-business is the use of __ and __ to legally and socially conduct an acceptable activity with a view to make profit (a) advertisement and promotion (b) online means -and markets (c) electronic means and platforms (d) electronic means and vertal persuasion (e) education and communication 6. People with needs are irrelevant to the marketer except they have- (i)education (ii) culture (iii) interest (iv)ability to buy (v) purchasing power (a) i (b) ii (c) __ is not a step involved in managing business transition (a) identifying the needs (b) setting up the transition team (c) plas layout and inputs getting from stakeholders (d) laying off the transition team (e) finalising the plan 8. The following are products elements except (a) Product features (b) Branding (c) Product packaging (d) Labelling (e) Product diversification 9. A decision which is non-repetitive and novel in nature and required to solve unstructured problem is called __ (a) Tactical decision (b) Strategic decision (c) "Corporate decision (d) Non- programmed decision (e) Programme decision. 10. __ . implies the availability of materials, plant and machinery, expertise/know-how, production processes and quality control measures as well as the product description. (a)Economic feasibility 11. The cash and cash equivalents, Inventories, accounts receivables are identified as __ Assets on statement of financial position (b) Earnings on income statement (c) Liabilities on statement of financial position (d) Payments on Income statement (e) Expenses in cash flow statement . 12. The following are objectives of a feasibility study except"(a) Minimize the chances of embarking on án unprofitability, venture (b)Used to raise capital (c) To find out If a business idea is viable (d) All of the above 13: Ethics as an academic discipline is divided into the following except: __ (a) Applied Ethics (b) Meta-Ethics . (c) Medical Ethics (d) Normative Ethics 14. Mafia" ethics can be one of the following __ (a) Right conduct of business (b) Morality in business (c) Oughtness in business (d) Agreements are meant to be broken. in Business. 15.In Nigeria, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility came into limelight in the mid. __ (b) 1950s *(c) 1960s (d) 1970s (e) 1940s^- 16. Marcelio Palazzi and George Starcher opined __ emerging trends in business (i) Globalization (ii) Increasing intensity of competition (iii) - Rapid technological changes(a)i(b)ii (c) iii (d) i& ii (e) i,ii,& iii 17. One of the following is not a key. dimension in Corporate Social Responsibility (a)Customer (b) Employee (c) Government (d)Business partners (e) None of the above 18. __ is not a section of feasibility study. (a) General background (b)Manpower/ staffing (c) : Financial analysis (c). Legal aspect (e) Cultural analysis Business viability is best defines as __ subset of the feasibility study (b) a concept that concerns the risk in the business and the survival of the business in the face of unfavorable business environment (iii) a control process of for identifying problems and opportunities.(a) i(b) i & , ii (c) iii (d) . 20. Which of the following is not a strategy for coping with cash flow shortages in Nigerian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (a)Divestment (b) Borrowing (c) Networking (e) F.etrenchment 21. The section of feasibility study that centers on product architecture is .....(a) Technical analysis 22. The management of business-transition that places emphasis on networking, outsourcing, mergers and 'acquisition best describes the growth through. __ (a)Creativity (b)Direction
- Mülakat sürecinde 2. Aşama olan mülakatin gergekleştrilmesinde hangi tutum ve davranis ốnemlidir? a. Adaylara gerekli konularda yeterli bilgi vermemek b. Adaylara bilgi vermeye ozendirici tarzda davranmak c. Adaylara gōrüşme stirecinde bilgi akişini engellemek d. Adaylara gōrüşme stirecinde uygun biçimde stireci yonetmek Mülakat sürecinde 3. Asama olan mülakatin değerleme aşamasinda hangi tutum ve davranis ónemlidir? a. Değerleme yapmamak b. Adaylarn gorijsme raporlarim cok geç hazirlamak c. Değerleme esnasinda gorij notlari almamak d. Değerlemenin, múlakatin hemen ardindan yapilmasi ve gorüşsme raporlari hazirlamak
- Quick Review Why do nations and U.S. firms engage in global business? How do nations measure global trade? - What are common strategies used to reach global markets? What are the forces that affect global trade? What are global trade agreements and economic organizations that regulate and promote global trade? What ethical challenges do businesses face in a global environment?
- Practice Question Joint ventues and foreign stategic allances are approaches used with large- sode coold intensive projects in global markets.Which of the following sticfors bestrefectsajoin venture? sestobisted with equal owneshjo where one part has in-country excertse 8. Alogescole project hat does not create a new entily C.A projectin which olocolgoverment provides in-country experfise two or more indecendent businesses entering a new morket or reloled bushess