Coğrafya Ödev Yardımı
Coğrafya yardımcısı, istediğiniz zaman çevrimiçi öğrenmeyi desteklemek için coğrafya sorularına mükemmel yanıtlarla coğrafya içerik yardımı sağlayan bir yazılımdır. Üstelik ilgili coğrafya ödevlerini kolayca tamamlamanıza yardımcı olacak eksiksiz dünya coğrafyası bilgilerine sahiptir. Her bilgi noktasında kolayca ustalaşılabilir ve sonuç olarak akademik performansınızı geliştirebilirsiniz.
İster ortaokul öğrencisi olun, ister lise öğrencisi olun, herhangi bir kısıtlama olmadan çevrimiçi öğrenebilir, öğrencilerin çoğunluğunun her türlü ihtiyacını iyi karşılayabilir. Bu araç çok çeşitli coğrafya bilgi noktalarını kapsar ve çevrimiçi incelemeyi harika hale getirir. Coğrafya notlarınızı yükseltmek istiyorsanız kaçırmayın!
- 5. Teknolojik gelişmenin yetersiz oldugu alanlarda doğal cevrenin insan yaşami uzerindeki etkisi fazladir. Aşagida verilen bolgelerin hangisinde insanlar dogal cevre sartlarinin olumsuzlu klarindan gelismis tekno- loji sayesinde daha az etkilenir? A) Kuzey Afrika B) Gine korfezi C Kongo Havzasi D) Orta Asya E) Bati Avrupa
- 1-Topragin KDK, ADK si nedir? bu degerlerin birimi nedir ve verimli bir toprakta ortalama kaç olmalari gerekir? Hangi topraklarda bu değerler yüksektir. Baz doygunluk orani nedir?Neden onemlidir? 2- Asidik bir toprag iyileştirmek için dolamit kireci (CaMg(CO_(3))_(2)) kullanilmistir. Bu tepkime sirasinda 1 kg toprakta 10 Cmol yúk degisimi oldugu düşnüldügün de hacim agirligi 1.34g/cm^3 olan topragin 1 hektarinin ilk 20 cm derinliginde % 90 safliktaki dolamitten ne kadar gereklidir? 3-Bir kayin ormaninda hektara yillik 3 ton organik madde dôküldügú tespit edilmiştir. Dõkülen bu organik madde % 40'1 bakteri ve % 60% mantar olan ayriştiricilar tarafindan ayriştirilacaktir. Organik maddenin % 1.5 azot içerdigi tespit edilmiştir. Bu organik madde ayrişmasindan net mineralizasyon mu yoksa immobilizasyon mu olur? 4-Yeni Amerikan toprak siniflandirm asina gõre Akdeniz karadeniz ve lệ Anadolu bōlgesinde en yaygin topraklar hangileridir . Nedenleriyle açiklayiniz
- TEMIz BIR DUNYA Aşağidaki sorular dinlemeye gōre yapiniz. 1. Evrende hava niçin kirleniyor? __ ...................................................................... 2. Havayi temizlemek igin neler yapabiliriz? __ ...................................................................... 3.Hayvanlar ve bitkiler nasil yok ediliyor? __ 4.Baliklari yemede neden tereddút yaşjyoruz? __ 5.Dủnya nasil bir yerdir? __ 6. Ciftçiler ve besiciler kirlilik konusunda ne sôylüyor? __
- (I) The State of Qatar has not always been the richest country in the world. (II) Before gas and oil was discovered in 1941, it was a poor country. (III) Recent discoveries in Wadi Debay'an indicate human presence from 7,50 o years ago. (IV) Before 1941, the population consisted of about 150 ,000 Bedouin Arabs. (V) When oil was discovered, 1.5 million foreigners moved to the country. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
- 1.sorularda, bos yere pargada anlam botantogong saglamak getiritebilece 1. Northem Italy has a wide range of industries.- Other manufacturing electronic Valley includes automobiles computers and provides good land for rice, wheat and other grains, letting its residents practise farming. A) One of Italy's two large islands Sicily is the largest with active volcanoes and B) It is best known for its fashionable designs earthquakes in clothes shoes and furniture. C) Over 70% of Italy's population lives in cities and towns. D) Italy played a major role in the development of Europe E) Northem Italy also has many popular tourist areas such as Rome, Venice and Florence. 2.In the past,leeches -small wormlike creatures that live in water-were commonly used in medicine to drain blood from people . Then advances in science led to other kinds of treatments and leeches became obsolete. -...They are now being used in the prevention of pain from arthritis and treatment of heart disease. A) The use of leeches in medicine goes back at least 2500 years. B) In the 19^th century, the practice of draining blood from patients became less common. C) Leeches have proved indirectly useful in treating patients with heart diseases. D) Today,however, they are making a comeback. E) Doctors had completely abandoned the use of leeches in by the 20^th century. Paragraph Completion READING 3. As the younger generation use their sm rtphones to tell time, the watch-making industry is being forced to get smart and high-tech to recaptur e consumers. In recent years manufacturer s have come up with a bright idea of adding new functions to watches in a bid to attack phone-makers with their own weapons. __ A) By the end of next decade competition in the smartphone market will have reached its peak B) Many retailers have trouble cutting price of modern smartphones to reasonable levels. C) Likewise an email arriving on a smartphone would also prompt a message on the wristwatch. D) New watch models are , therefore designed to have an integrated phone and a GPS device. E) Watches are still worn to keep time , partially so one doesn't have to pull his phone out of his pocket. 4. __ Before becoming the capital of Spain in 1561 , Madrid was , however,neither a major city nor a large town. For centuries the capital of Spain had been considered to be whereve r the Spanish monarch and his court lived. A) American city of New York has always attracted tourists with its shine and glory. B) After the death of Franco and the democratic regime, the 1978 constitution confirms Madrid as the capital of Spain. C) London became the administrative capital of Britain mainly because it was the largest and most important city. D) The capital and largest city of Spain is located on the Manzanares River. E) France possesses the second-largest exclusive economic zone in the world.