Hukuk Ödevi Yardımı
Bu, kullanıcıların sorular veya anahtar kelimeler girerek ilgili hukuki metinleri ve açıklamaları hızlı bir şekilde bulmalarına yardımcı olabilecek, doğal dil işleme teknolojisine dayalı bir hukuki yardım aracıdır. Hukuk atama yardımı, kullanıcının şüphesini akıllıca analiz etmek ve bu hukuki sorularla ilgili yanıtlar sağlamak için OpenAI'nin GPT modellerini kullanır. Aynı zamanda proje, kullanıcı geri bildirimlerine göre sürekli olarak öğrenilebiliyor ve optimize edilebiliyor.
Hukuk ödevi yardımı, OpenAI API ve pgvector veritabanını temel alan, kullanıcıların ABD eyaletlerinin ve dünya çapındaki büyük ülkelerin yasalarını ve düzenlemelerini hızlı bir şekilde sorgulamasına ve anlamasına yardımcı olabilecek bir yapay zeka hukuk asistanıdır. Sıradan insanların kanunları daha iyi anlamalarına, uygulamalarına ve hukuk okuryazarlığını geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmaya değer.
- QUESTION Strawberry inc is a multi-national technology company headquartered in Durban, South Africa. They specialize in the manufacture of mobile devices and software development. They are considered one of the biggest global players in the industry selling their mobile devices within and outside the EU All of their devices run their own patented She herry uperating system and they manage an online app store where third party developers are able to upload their applications and make them available to Strawberry device consumers for download. The Strawberry App Store terms of use require third party developers to make use of Strawberry App Store's payment facility for all purchases related to their applications and for each transaction Strawberry Inc deducts 30% operating foC. A breach of this clause will result in immediate removal of a third-party app from the Strawberry App Store Strawberry Inc also blocks the installation of applications downloaded from any other App Store Nacle on their devices. Their reasoning for this is that they seek to protect their consumers' privacy and fecurity and allowing the installation of applications downloaded form a third-party store would market make it extremely difficult to carry out this task which they argue is one of the main reasons why consumers prefer their brand. The consumer rracy defense (C). However, in a widely publicized leak by a hacktivist group known as Big Tech Sucks, Strawberry Inc was shown to be discussing what are known as "sweethearn deals" with two of ce the biggest global streaming sites, Hotflix and Glued2Screen. Under these deals these two sites C. would be allowed to offer purchases related to their applications on their own payment mediums' and they would only pay a 10% fee if the Strawberry payment platform was used If these terms were agreed to Hotflix and Glued2Screen would provide their mobile applications exclusively on Strawberry devices and they would not be available on all other competing devices. The documents leaked show the CEO of Strawberry Inc explaining to the COO that these deals had become necessary because of the meteoric rise of online streaming during the COVID19 pandemic and Hotflix and Glued2Screen had threatened to remove their applications from the Strawberry platform if they did not secure a more favorable agreement. This caused an uproar in the developer community A consortium of developers known as Nerd Station demanded that Strawberry inc provide clarity on what basis they grant such sweetheart deals and if these deals would be available to all developers. Strawberry Inc did not amend their general terms of use to explain these deals and refused to comment arguing that they had no obligation to disclose their private business practices. Furthermore, a former Strawberry Inc employee in an interview on a popular news channel had -8xcd revealed that the CEO of Strawberry Inc was worried about consumers switching from their abuse un brand to a newer brand called ForThePeople based in Amsterdam which was a mobile development firm which ran an open source operating system called Liberty that allowed developers to offer in-app purchases using their own payment platforms and allowed the installation of applications from rival third party application stores. She revealed that the CEO had been engaging in talks on how to "put ForThePeople out of business before it became a real problem." In response to this interview Strawberry Inc argued that the other big firms in the mobile device industry carried out similar practices and while Strawberry Inc did have a significant share in the market, they did not possess enough market power to run ForThePeople out of business therefore min they did not violate competition law, they just came up with a superior business strategy Eventually Nerd Station employed your law firm to build an anti-trust case against Strawberry InC. You have been tasked with formulating a legal strategy outlining the violation of EU competition law by Strawberry InC. Write down your arguments justifying them adequately with Angthe relevant legal sources. Make it clear which rules Strawberry Inc is violating Near East University Law Faculty Prepared by TAFADZWA CHIGUMIRA
- Sivil Havacilikta Emniyot vo Gavenlik arasindalk fark aşagidakilerdon hangisidir? A.Güvonlik torminaldo goçorildir omniyot iso uçak içindo goçorlidir. B. Güvonlik yolcularin huzurunu saglamakiçin vardir. Emniyot iso uçaği korumak için vardir. C. Suç vo kasit igoron oylomlor güvonligin konusunu olusturur. Horhangi bir kasit olmadan moydana golon olaylar iso omniyotin konusudur. D. Suç vo kasit igoron oylomior omniyatin konusunu oluşturur. Horhangi bir kasit olmadan moydana golon olaylar iso givonligin konusudur.
- Bagaj ayirma alani (sut alti) güvenligi ile ilgil aşağidaki ifadolerden hangisi yanliştir? A. Bagaj toplama alanina yetkisiz girişlor, kartli geçis sistemi veya kontrollerlo engellenmelidir. B. Bagaj toplama alaning giris ve çikişlarda kişiler taramaya tabi tutulmalidir. C. Bagaj toplama alan CCTV Sistemi ile gõzlem altinda tutulmamalidir. D. Bagaj toplama alaninda sadece bu bólgode yetkil personel bulunmalidir.
- Aşağidaki ifadolordon hangisi yanliştir? A. Başkasindan bagaj kabul otmomelori gerektigi konusunda yolculara bilgi vorilmolidir. B. Bagajlar uçağa tasinmadan onco taşma araçlan güvenlik aramasina tabi tutulmamalidir. C. Taginmasinda kisitlama voya yasak olan malzomoler uçaga yüklonmomolidir. D. Ugak içino górevli olmayan kisilorin girişi engollonmolidir.
- Emniyet Yonetim Sistemi kapsaminda caliganlarin sorumluluk ve beklontiler arasinda yer almaz? A. Sorumluluk atayan tüm dokumanlara vo tanmianmiş kuralisra uygun harokot otmok. B. Gorokon kayitlan oksiksiz olarak muhafaza otmok. C. Atanan ogitimloro katilmak. D. Kargilaşilan bir olayi ya da olaya nodon olabilocok tohlikoli bir durumu góz ardi otmok. E.Ortakligin politikalan dogruitusunda harokot otmok, górov aldigi surocin túm hodoflerino ulasmasina katkida bulunmak.