Hukuk Ödevi Yardımı
Bu, kullanıcıların sorular veya anahtar kelimeler girerek ilgili hukuki metinleri ve açıklamaları hızlı bir şekilde bulmalarına yardımcı olabilecek, doğal dil işleme teknolojisine dayalı bir hukuki yardım aracıdır. Hukuk atama yardımı, kullanıcının şüphesini akıllıca analiz etmek ve bu hukuki sorularla ilgili yanıtlar sağlamak için OpenAI'nin GPT modellerini kullanır. Aynı zamanda proje, kullanıcı geri bildirimlerine göre sürekli olarak öğrenilebiliyor ve optimize edilebiliyor.
Hukuk ödevi yardımı, OpenAI API ve pgvector veritabanını temel alan, kullanıcıların ABD eyaletlerinin ve dünya çapındaki büyük ülkelerin yasalarını ve düzenlemelerini hızlı bir şekilde sorgulamasına ve anlamasına yardımcı olabilecek bir yapay zeka hukuk asistanıdır. Sıradan insanların kanunları daha iyi anlamalarına, uygulamalarına ve hukuk okuryazarlığını geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmaya değer.
- 11. 2020 ylinda dikilen bir cinar agacl 897 yil yasa rsa, kaç yllina kadar uasa- mis olur? A. 2817 B. 2917 C. 28 of D. 2907
- Question 9 During an antitrust investigation , the Commission discovered that the CEOs of eight concrete suppliers held a secret meeting whose purpose was to discuss price forecasts and output goals as a result of the low profitability and high input cost of the industry. They agreed to a system of public quarterly price forecast announcements and devised initiatives to ensure compliance with their output and pricing goals. They also agreed to regular meetings where they would exchange information to monitor adherence to their goals. In these meetings they would usually enter into further agreements to maintain effective pursuit of their objectives. After a while two of the companies stopped attending the regular meetings and abandoned the quarterly announcement mechanisms. At the same time three new companies entered the market and were invited to participate in the secret meetings. Two of these companies agreed to the existing terms and to attend future meetings. The other company declined to participate in further meetings but also began to employ the system of public price announcements. Is there a single overall agreement constituting a cartel? Are there concerted practices? Cases Joined Cases T-305/94 to T-307/94 T-313/94 to T-316/94, T-318/94 T-325/94, T-328/94, T- 329/94, T-335/94 - LVM v Commission [1999] Joined Cases T-25/95, T-26/95 , T-30/95 to T-32/95, T-34/95 to T-39/95, T-42/95 to T- 46/95, T-48/95, T-50/95 to T-65/95, T-68/95 to T-71/95 T-87/95, T-88/8; , I-103/95, I-104/95- Cimenteries CBR v Commission [2000] Case T-7/89-SA Hercules Chemicals NV V Commission [1991]
- Question 7 AdAstra, MarsColony and MoonShine belong to the corporate group known as LunarCentric. On instruction from LunarCentric, they enter into an agreement in which they partition the EU market among themselves and agree to fix prices for their goods. Is there a violation of Article 101?Why? Case Case 30/87 -Corinne Bodson v Pompes funèbres des régions libérées [1988] Question 8 Utopimedicine is a pharmaceutical company based in the Netherlands. Medicare and other medical companies buy medicine from Utopimedicine in bulk in the Netherlands and export it to Spain and France. Because of a law in the Netherlands, Utopimedicine must adhere to a price cap on the medicine whereas no such law exists in Spain and France. Utopimedicine is forced to sell the medicine at a higher price when they sell it in Spain and France. Medicare takes advantage of this situation by selling the medicine at a lower price in those countries effectively eating into Utopimedicine's market share. Utopimedicine devises a plan to reduce these exports. In their contracts of sale, they include terms to supply the medicine to the distributors at even lower prices and access to licenses and the know-how to manufacture some their patented medicines but only to distributors selling exclusively in the Netherlands Distributors selling in Spain and France would not enjoy these benefits. Medicare and the other distributors accepted the new terms. Does this count as an agreement under Article 101? Case Case T-41/96 - Bayer v Commission [2000] Case C-74/04P-Commission v Volkswagen [2006]
- A. Asagidaki sorularin cevaplarin defterimize yazalim. 1. Maddeyi niteleyen ozellikleri orneklerle açiklayalim. 2. Bireysel ya da gruplar halinde calisirken hang gũvenlik onlemleri alinmalidir? Uẹ tanesini yazalim. 3. Maddenin halleri nelerdir ? Orneklerle açiklayalim.
- What is the relationship between legal compliance and othics? A. Legal compliance does not always result in ethical acts. B. The lack of legal requirements results in unethical behaviors. C. Legal compliance will always result in ethical acts. D. To be legal , the act must be ethical. E. All legal acts are ethical.