Edebiyat Ödev Yardımı
Edebiyat, fikirleri, duyguları ve deneyimleri dil aracılığıyla ifade eden ve ileten bir sanat formudur. Çok çeşitli biçim ve tarzları kapsayan, insan kültürünün ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır. Edebi eserler roman, şiir, drama, deneme ve daha fazlasını içerebilir. Edebiyat yalnızca toplumsal, tarihi ve kültürel arka planı yansıtmaz, aynı zamanda okuyucunun hayal gücüne, duygularına ve eleştirel düşünme yeteneklerine de ilham verir. Edebiyat sayesinde insan, insanlığın iç dünyasını keşfedebilir, farklı bakış açılarını ve değerleri anlayabilir, güzelliğin keyfini yaşayabilir. Edebiyatın kişisel gelişim ve toplumsal gelişim üzerinde önemli bir etkisi vardır.
- Mikroplastics have recently been detected in human bodies. What does dotoctod mean? visuallzed discovered revealed uncovered 2 When fish and marine animals become entragped In plastic, they usually dle, What does entrapped mean? cought tricked Identified covered Select the correct transition word to fill the blank space. Thin plastic bags are used once and pollute the environment. __ reusable plastic bags because they are used again and again. Just as In the same way Oon the other hand While Select the correct transition word to fill the blank space. Alot of garbage litters the banks of the river. __ , It washes up on the beach nearby. Ukewise As In contrast Whereas
- Misimi Isimi is only eleven years old, but she has taken it upon herself to educate those around her about a name she environmental protection in her hometown of Lagos, Nigeria. relishes Lagos is there. Like many underground 4, in water supplies, and in the air. As in many cities of this size around the world, discarded piles of trash can be seen on many street corners, and with a boom in the megacity's population predicted over the next few decades, the problem is certain to become even more acute. In a recent TV interview of I frustration comes across her face be seen picking up plastic bottles in a dusty backstreet. As she works, an expression she sees around her . "All waste can be reduced, reused, and recycled!" she remarks. What Misimi is trying to do is to raise awareness among both adults and children about environmental waste. Waste leads to d diseases, infection, and high mortality rates, she notes wisely. One of Misimi's initiatives is a club called the Eco-Kids Green Club. The organization not only educates young people about sustainable lifestyles but also focuses on getting them involved in community efforts to prevent litter. As a result of her extensive efforts, Misimi was honored as the first child environmentalist in Nigeria. With h her catching smile and passion for her work,"Miss vironmentalist" is setting an example for us all. Waste disposal is a pervasive problem.. What does pervasive mean? alarming treatable widespread well documented 2 Discarded piles of trash can be seen on many street corners. What does discarded mean? filthy contaminated abandoned enormous 3 What would be the best title for this piece? A Small Girl, Misimi Isimi, Wins an Environmental Prize AYoung Environmentalist Throws Light ht on a Serious Problem ) The Growing em of Plastic Waste in Rural Communities Population of Lagos, an African Megacity The Problem 4 Which of the following conclusions is supported by the text? The climate in Lagos has affected the city's environmental The government is actively ly involved in efforts to address this crisis. Appearing on TV helped ed Misimi to raise awareness about the situation. Both adults and young 5 Which of the following best represents the author's opinion? It is unfortunate that a child has to tackle this serious problem. Misimi is an example for adults and children allike More news channels should broadcast Other megacities in Africa can learn from Lagos's challenge. What would be a good heading for paragraph 2? The growing problem of trash in Lagos The -reaching impact of Misim's work Youth involvemen in cleanup efforts -Green Club in a megacity
- IS MANDATORY VOLUNTEERIM EERING A GOOD THING? ) A recent research study found thatapproximately one-quarter of the people Ilving In North America devote some time to volunteering, Organizations report that volunteers do everything from answering phones to cooking meals for the elderly to working with children in after-school programs.. Most cities report a rise in volunteerism after natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods. People who stayed safe are determined to help their neighbors in any way they can. The needs are great and varied at a time like this. For example many people think to donate clothing or food, but then the clothing and food need d to get to the people who need help.so. volunteers are needed to organize and deliver donations, and in this case, In a very difficult situation see that volunteering is most common near college campuses This raises question: Are students volunteering to fulfill required I hours? While many oppose required vc volunteering ("I don't agree with mandatory hours . It takes away from my studying." said one student)others feel it is beneficial. 3 Volunteering is a crucial part of most communities.and many people continue to be inspired by being able to help agree on what is best for everyone. Approximately one-quarter of people living in North America devote some time to volunteering. Which word is a synonym for devote? dedicate plan take give 2 Are students volunteering to fulfill required hours? begin enjoy achieve What percentage of people in North America volunteer? 20% 25% 30% 50% 4 What is the main idea? Volunteering is important to a large number of people all over North America. Volunteering is common near college campuses, perhaps due to mandatory requirements is good for young and old people volunteering is very common after natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods. Read the sentences from the text: This raises a question: Are students volunteering to fulfill required hours? While many oppose required volunteering saying "I don't agree others beneficial. How does the writer feel about mandatory volunteering? skeptical appreciative admiring 6 Which word is a persuasive term that evokes negative emotions? volunteer determined
- Konusmacinin sóylediklerini anliyor muyum? Konusmacinin sôylediklerinden ne ôgrenebilirim? Konusmacinin bakis açisi nedir? Konusmaci anlatirken baska işlerle mesgul oluyor muyum? Kendisine yukaridaki sorulan soran kisinin iletisimdeki hangi kavrama dikkat ettigi soylenebilir? A) Etkili konusma B) Pasif dinleme C) Erkili dinleme Di Ôn varoili olma
- Yazmak için sağlikli okumalar yapmak gerekir cünkù yazabilmek okuyabilmenin neticesidir. Okumak ruha gida vermektir. Hatta bu gidalanma meselesinde sanatin diger subelerine de başvuru yapilmalidir. Zira saglikli ve verimli biryazi, sanatin bútún subeleriyle beslenerek meydana getirilen bir metindir. Yok- sa yazinin tinisinda gồnlU bulandiran etkenler meydana gelir Boyle bir durum da yaziyi tamamen etkisiz hâle getirebilir. Bu metnin konusu aşağidakilerden hangisidir? A) Okumanin yazma üzerindeki etkis B) Sanatin faydalari C) Okumanin kisisel gelisime katkisi D) Saglikli ve verimli bir yazida bulunmasi gereken nitelikler