Edebiyat Ödev Yardımı
Edebiyat, fikirleri, duyguları ve deneyimleri dil aracılığıyla ifade eden ve ileten bir sanat formudur. Çok çeşitli biçim ve tarzları kapsayan, insan kültürünün ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır. Edebi eserler roman, şiir, drama, deneme ve daha fazlasını içerebilir. Edebiyat yalnızca toplumsal, tarihi ve kültürel arka planı yansıtmaz, aynı zamanda okuyucunun hayal gücüne, duygularına ve eleştirel düşünme yeteneklerine de ilham verir. Edebiyat sayesinde insan, insanlığın iç dünyasını keşfedebilir, farklı bakış açılarını ve değerleri anlayabilir, güzelliğin keyfini yaşayabilir. Edebiyatın kişisel gelişim ve toplumsal gelişim üzerinde önemli bir etkisi vardır.
- (2)Find words with these meanings in the text. Paragraph 1 lot of cars together,so that it is difficult or impossible to move (2 words) traffic jam a leave the ground ( 2 words) Paragraph 2 b very small and light Paragraph 3 c straight up-at an angle of 90 degrees from the ground d (long) strip of land where planes leave the ground e come down to the ground from the air Paragraph 4 f in a straight line g lines of people or cars waiting for something Paragraph 5 h accidents when two vehicles hit each other great anger felt by someone in a plane (2 words)
- Read the article again and answer these questions. 1 Why did our grandparents think they were lucky? a They lived a very simple life. b They enjoyed some early technological invention c They didn't have to worry about technology. 2 How will housework change in the future? a Other people will do our housework for us. b People will learn how to do it more quickly. c Robots will do many of the jobs people do now. 3 How will very small robots help doctors? a They will look after patients in their own homes b They will look after patients instead of nurses. c They will treat people from inside their bodies.
- g (1) Decide if the descriptions are correct or incorrect.Then correct the wrong ones. 1 A French new car square 2 A difficult English sentence square 3 A green tall tree 4 A Chinese narrow street 5 Her lovely red coat 6 A cultural important building A beautiful decqrated box. 8 An ancient wonderfu tomb an 10 My favourite illustrated book My German clever friend 3 __
- C. He works in a bank. p.d. I went to Adama last week pe. When I was a child, we lived in a small house by the sea. Every day I walked for miles on the beach with my dog. f. I did not go to the cinema because I had seen the film before. g. We have lived in the same house for 25 years. h. Have you ever had an operation? i. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What have you done to your lip? (it's bleeding) j. What do your body will make them in brackets. a. I work for your face 2008 (not see) c. I bake/see) her since 2008 (not see) d. I read the newspaper every morning (read) e. When I visited her bed last bed-bed-riden for six months. (be) f. Janet home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go) home. (go)
- D) Asagidaki açik uclu sorular cevaplayiniz. 1. Dünyanin farkli yerlerinde gerceklesen ornek davranişlardan iki tanesini açiklayiniz. 2. Spor musabakalarmda eksikligin hissettiginiz ahlaki davranislarin neler oldugunu soyleyiniz. 3. Yasantisinda ahlaki ilkeler issellestiren bireyin nasil davranmas gerektigini soyle- yiniz