Tıbbi Atama Yardımı
Doktorların ihtiyaç duydukları bilgiyi hızlı bir şekilde bulmalarına yardımcı olabilecek, ilaç tedavisi sayısını ve hekimin kötü karar vermesinden kaynaklanan cerrahi hataları büyük ölçüde azaltabilecek elektronik klinik bilgi ve karar destek araçları olsaydı harika olmaz mıydı? Şu anda piyasada size yardımcı olacak birçok tıbbi asistan uygulaması mevcut ve gelişmiş yapay zeka modelleri ve algoritmaları nedeniyle Questionai doğal seçimdir.
Bu tıbbi yardımcı, profesyonel bir tıbbi bilgi ve araç odaklı klinik "karar verme" uygulamasıdır. Amaç doktorların ilaç hatalarını azaltmak ve birinci basamak sağlık hizmetini konumlandırmaktır. İki ana hizmet sağlar: genel tıbbi uzmanlık ve bilgi ile birinci basamak sağlık kuruluşları ve doktorlar için eczane bazlı dönüşüm ve değerlendirme araçları.
- Consider the following scenario: 1. Ahmet's car engine stopped suddenly while he was driving. 2. The fuel indicator showed full tank, white smoke similar to water vapor was coming out of the engine. Yesterday, when Ahmet took his car for a check at the garage, the mechanist told him that his radiator was worn out and needs to be replaced. 3. Ahmet thinks that there is a punch in the radiator that caused the engine to heat up and stop. The above scenario demonstrates a simple application of abductive reasoning State which of the paragraphs given is the question/phenomenon;information available; previous knowledge and the best explanation. 2 is the question or phenomenon to explain 3 is previous knowledge and I is the best explanation. l is the question or phenomenon to explain, 2 available information as well as previous knowledge, and 3 is the best explanation. l is the question or phenomenon to explain, 3 is previous knowledge, and 2 is the available information and the best explanation. 1 is the question or phenomenon to explain, 2 and 3 are available information and previous knowledge, and the best explanation is not given. 3 is the question or phenomenon to explain, 2 is the available information and previous knowledge, and I is the best explanation.
- with respect to attributes that are less __ divertily refers to diversity may to observe initially but that can be interesting more direct experience. b)Additive a)Surface-level c) Demographic d)Deep-level c)Conjunctive 10. __ refers to evaluative statements of sudgments conceming objects people, or events. a) Attitude b) Behavior c) Appearance d) Demeanor c) Performance 11. Sarah Mayer works as a security officer and is in charge of keeping track of who is - in the office at any given time. She notices that some employees do not sign out of the office when they go out for meals, which makes it difficult to keep track of attendance of employees. Even though Mayer has repeatedly asked the employees to sign out they have not followed her advice. She now decides to report the issue to her supervisor. Which of the following components of an attitude is being demonstrated by Mayer? a) affective b) behavioral c) positive d) cognitive c) Knowledge 12. Sonia works as a lab research assistant at From Labs, which conducts trials for cosmetic products puch is sparys ointments, soaps, and the like. She joined the firm right out of college and has been working there for almost two years now. Which of the following if true,would most strengthen the argument that Sonia is experiencing cognitive dissonance? a) She believes that cosmeties help boost women's self-confidence. b) She believes that testing products on animals is an unethical practice. c) She majored in pharmacology as part of her master's degree program in college. d) She recently received a positive performance review from her supervisor. e) She is confounded by the fact that the cosmetic' industry rakes in almost 7billion annually. 13. The degree to which a person identifies with his or her job , actively participates in it, and considers his of very participates in being important to self-worth to as __ a) emotional contagion b) job involvement c) job stability d) emotional dissonance e) direct action 14. Sarah Máyer works as a marketing executive and has been unhappy with her job profile for several now. Over the months, she has regularly discussed with her manager how her skills lie in administrative tasks instead of in marketing. In addition, she discusses how she can make a smooth transition __ into the administrative role. Which __ pe of __ __ nse is Mayer __ using in this __ __ __ __ situation? __ exit __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ voice __ __ __ __ __ __ loyalty __ __ __ __ __ __ neglect __ e) Performance
- D. Ave B E. Hepsi 13. Stres etkilerini azaltmak ve uyumu arturmak için yapilan uygulamalardan degildir? A. Korunma B. Re-experiencing C. Yonlendirme D. Baglanti kurma E. Arama ve seçme 14. Deger verilen kişinin kaybinin ardindan yaşanan yas hangi streyi geçmedigi takdirde olagan kabul edilir? A. 2 ay B. 3 ay C. 6 ay D. 1 yil E. 2y1 15. Uyum evreleri genellikle ne sirayla ilerler? A. Sok-kizgmhk-inkar-depresyon -kabullenme B. Inkar-depresyc Sok-kizginlik C. Sok-inkar-kizginlik -depresyon-kabullenme D. Sok-inkar-kizginli!<-kabullenme-depresyon E. Inkar-sok-kzzgmlik-depresyon -kabullenme 16. Gõrme engelli hastamizda apati durumu varsa daha uyarici yaklaşimlarda bulunmahyiz. A. Dogru B. Yanlis 17. Aşağidakilerden hangisi fiziksel siddet degildir? A. Dayak (Kaba dayak, sert cisimlerle vurma ) B. Yeme içmenin kisitlanmasi C. Oldürme tehditi D Uyutmama E. Yakma 18. Aşagidakilerden hangisi/hangileri psikososyal rehabilitasyon hizmetlerinden degildir? A. Bireyi sosyal yaşantrya hazirlamak B. Ruhsal sorunlarina yōnelik çõzümler ủretmek C. Bireyin hayatini búttintyle organize etmek D. Ulasum olanaklarm organize etmek E. Ekonomik destek alabilecegi kurumlar hakkinda bilgilendirmek
- syon ile ilgili aşağdakilerden hangis yanlistir? 1. Psikososyal rehabilitasyon A. Rehabilitasyon, 3 evrede cle alinir. B. Erken evrede kişinin kayiplari net bir sekilde C. Hasta orta evrede fonksiyonel yetersizlikleri net fikmaz D. Geç dõnem fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyonun en yogun oldukedebilir. E. Tüm evrelerde aile egitimi onemlidir. 2. Mobilite kelimesi neyi ifade etmektedir. A. Hareketlilik becerisi B. Kaslarda kisalik C. Eklemlerdeki agn D. Boyun problemleri E. Kordinasyon 3. Asagidakilerden hangisi/hangileri fiziksel ie yapi sakatliklarina dahildir? I. Kanser II Depresyon III KOAH IV Fele A. Yalniz I B. I-III-IV C. I-III D. I-II-III E. Hepsi 4. Stresile ilgili ifadelerden hangisi yanliştur? A. Bireyin adaptasyon dizeyi ile stres diizeyi ilişkildir. B. Bireye yapilan etkilere spesifiktir. C. Stres dizeyinin yúkselmesi enerji tüketimini arttrur. D. Olumlu stres kişiye yaşam enerjisi verebilir. E. Olumsuz stres bireyi umutsuzluga sürúkleyebilir. 5. Kisa zamanda rutinlere oturtulabilen, açik, yalin ve bireyin yeteneklerinin tamamen kullanamadigi ve mesleki yaşantida stress yaratabilen durum aşağidakilerden hangisidir? A. Asiri is yúkü B. Aşiri hafif rol C. Rol belirsizligi D. Rol catismasi E. Gõrevin karmaşikligi
- Question 5 of 8 An officer on board exhibits a behaviour consistent with a highly masculine culture. How would you expect such a person to deal with a high workload over several weeks? Select the BEST answer. Highly masculine cultures are associated with highly optimistic cultures and see hard working and long hours as necessary for successful careers Highly masculine cultures always have a lower power distance and will always report if they suspect they are suffering fatigue or are tired They accept that the work has to be done and being tired is just a consequence of that Masculline people always follow rules and will be strictly guided by the rest hours' requirements