Biyoloji Ödev Yardımı
Biyoloji öğrenmenin en zorlu kısmı, öğrencilerin biyolojinin mikroskobik dünyasını anlamalarını, hücrelerin içine nasıl girip genleri ve molekülleri nasıl keşfedeceklerini nasıl sağlayacaklarıdır. Ancak bilgi teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle birlikte, ne kelimelerin ne de resimlerin biyoloji konularını tam olarak açıklayamadığı durumlarda biyoloji ödevi yardımı önemli bir rol oynayabilir.
QuestionAI, çeşitli deneyler ve ilgili alıştırmalar dahil olmak üzere, yaygın biyoloji soruları yardımcısından temel olarak farklı olan, biyoloji bilgisini öğrenmenize ve uzmanlaşmanıza yardımcı olan bir çevrimiçi biyoloji öğrenme yazılımıdır. Burada, bilgi noktalarını öğrenmek ve anlamak için sığdan derine, katman katman deneysel senaryoları yeniden oluşturmak için deneyleri simüle edebilirsiniz.
- 11. Asagida bôlünmelere ait baz 6zellikler verilmiştir. 1) Sonucunda dõrt yeni hücre olusur. 2) Ureme ana hücrelerinde gorülür. 3) Cok hücreli canlilarda gorúlür. 4) Bitki ve hayvan hücrelerinde gorülür. Bu ozelliklerden hangileri sadece parça değişi- minin gerçeklestigi bólünmeye aittir? A) Yalniz 1 B) 1 ve 2 C) 2,3 ve 4 D) 1,2,3 ve 4
- 9. Bitki ve hayvan hücreleri ile ilgili aşagidakiler. den hangisi yanlistir? A) Bazi yapi veya organeller her iki hücrede tak bulunur, fakat sayi ve büyüklük açisindan farklidir. __ Sentrozom B) Bazi yapi veya organeller yalnizca bitki hücresin- de bulunur. __ Kloroplast C) Bazi yapi veya organeller her iki hücrede de or. tak bulunur. __ Ribozom D) Bazi yapi veya organeller hayvan hücrelerinde ve ilkel bitki hücrelerinde bulunur - Lizozom
- Answer the below first ten questions as True (A) or False (B) (LO6) 1. Blood brain barrier is very well developed at birth, and thus xenobiotics could not be toxic to newborns. (LO6) 2. Organic-anion transporter (OAT) andorganic-cation transporter (OCT) are important in the renal and hepatic uptake of xenobiotics. (A) (LO9) 3. A complete carcinogen is a chemical having the ability of inducing cancer from normal cells, usually possessing properties of initiation, promotion and progression. (LO9) 4.Several exposures to an initiator may not result in tumor without presence of a promoter. (L09) 5. Necrosis is an active form of cell death induced by accidental damage of tissue and involve activation of any specific cellular program. (LO11) 6. Gastric lavage is effective in decreasing ingestant absorption significantly if performed within 6 hrs of ingestion.
- has of planna memberane integrity and swelling of the cell body followed by death). ancuploidy due to non -dinjunction in sex a direct genotoxic carcitogen. so FDA classification of drug risk (as a possible teratogen) during promancy Thalidomide is in the X category. Which of the following base-pair mutations is property characterized as a Chasvension mutation? a) Tarrow C b) Aarrow G G- A. (1) Tarrow U Aarrow C (Lon) 12. What are the 2 important factors for the CYPs to canalyse the oxidation reactions? ANADPILIH + NADPH-eylochrome P450 b) NADH,II +Phospholipids NADPH_(3)H+O_(2) (4) O_(2).Phospbolipid c) CO+NADH,H (1.07) 13. Whish one of the following CYP is not expressed in human liver? a) CYP2C9 b) CYP3A4 c) CYP2D6 d) CYPIAI c) CYP2B6 14. Adaptation of toxicity may result from biological changes causing the below processes with the exception of one Which of the following statement ks EALSE 7 a)Diminisbed delivery of the toxicant to thetarget. b) Decrease DNA repair capacity. c) Issreased capacity of the organism to repair itself. d) Strengthened mechnisms to compensate the toxicant caused dysfunction. e) Decreased size or susceptibility of the target. (109) 15. Which of the following is not among the primary metabolic disorders jespardizing cell survival? a)ATP depletion b) Sustained rise in intracellular Ca2+ c) Overproduction of ROS, d) Overproduction of RMS e)Increase cytosolic Glutathione level (LO9) 16. Which of the following agent that does not impair ATP synthesis? a)Rotenone b) Paracetamol c)Paraquat d)DDT e)Cyanide
- Answer the below first ten questions as True (A) or False (B). (LO6) 1. Blood brain barrier is very well developed at birth, and thus xenobiotics could not be toxic to newborns. (A) (LO6) 2. Organic-anion transporter (OAT) andorganic-cation transporter (OCT) are important in the renal and hepatic uptake of xenobiotics. (A) (LO9) 3. A complete carcinogen is a chemical having the ability of inducing cancer from normal cells, usually posessing properties of initiation, promotion and progression. (LO9) 4.Several exposures to an initiator may not result in tumor without presence of a promoter. (LO9) 5. Necrosis is an active form of cell death induced by accidental damage of tissue and involve activation of any specific cellular program. (LO11) 6. Gastric lavage is effective in decreasing ingestant absorption significantly if performed within 6 hrs of ingestion.