Halk Sağlığı Atama Yardımı
Halk sağlığı atama yardımı, öğrencilerin ve uygulayıcıların halk sağlığıyla ilgili görevleri daha iyi tamamlamalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmış bir halk sağlığı öğrenme aracıdır. Program, öğrencilerin halk sağlığının çeşitli yönlerini daha iyi anlamalarına yardımcı olmak için ders materyalleri, araştırma makaleleri, video eğitimleri vb. dahil olmak üzere çok sayıda halk sağlığı öğrenme kaynağı sağlar.
Ayrıca platform, öğrencilerin ödevlerini daha verimli bir şekilde tamamlamalarına yardımcı olmak için hesap makineleri, veri tabanı sorguları, harita analizi vb. gibi çeşitli araçlar sağlar. Halk sağlığı ödev yardımcısı aynı zamanda öğrencilerin halk sağlığı farkındalığını ve yeterliliğini geliştirmek için deneyimlerini ve kaynaklarını diğer halk sağlığı profesyonelleriyle paylaşabilecekleri çevrimiçi bir iletişim topluluğu da sağlar.
- 10. Which one is wrong? a. In arcon artici utors, condylar spheres attached to the lower componential b. In norare on 2 it reulators, condylar spheres attached the upper compo nent mechanical fossae is on the lower component 11. Which relation of jaws record and transfer to articulator by Face Bow? a. Vertical jaw relation b. Horizontal jaw relation c. Orientation jaw relation d. Transvers jaw relation 12. When Touse Centric Relation? a. When complete or removable partial dentures involve the entire occlusion b. Restoring or Increasing of vertical dimension (OVD) c.Tooth surface abrasion d.Posterior centric stops present 13. The angle between the sagital reference plane and the path formed as a result of the downward and inward movement of the condyle on the balancing (non-working) side c lateral movement is called the __ a. Bennett Angle b. Bennett Movement c. Gothic Arch d. Posselt's Envelope 4. Fold of mucous membrane extending from ginglva to midline of lover and upper lips named __ a. Labial Frenum b. Buccal Frenum c. Modiolus d. Lingual Frenum For stabilty and retantion Mandibular denture border must extend postero-inferi a. Retromolar pad b Buccal Shelf c. Retromylohyoid Fossa d Genial tubercle telief area in mandibular arch is; a. Rugae b. Genial Tubercle c. Buccal Shelf d. Pterygo Maxillary Notch ok out application provides; a. To avoid breakage of plaster model and tray b. A room for impression material c. To orient the tray d. To prevent the denture borders record base and occlusion rims are necessary for a. Establishing facia contours b.Help in tooth selection c. Establishing and maintaining the vertical dimension of occlusion
- 2024 DENT 201 Midterm Exam Name 1. Which one is usually delivered just after all remaining teeth of a dental arch are removed b. immediate computer dentist 2. Dentures thet fit over usually two or more roots and dental implants mei 4. Conventional complete dentures 3. The purpose of complete dentures is: c. restore the loss of ovo (Occlusovertical dimension). 4. What happens when the patients lose all of their teeth? a. Alveolar bone Loss b. Oifficulties of Speaking, Eating and chewing c. Loss of Facial impression d. All of the above 5. The side to which the mandible is moving is called the __ . Side. a. Working b. Non working c. Balancing, orbiting d. All of the above 6. Hamular or pterygo maxillary notch; a. Is the openings of ducs of minor salivary gland. b. Is the depression distal to maxillary tuberosity. c. Is considered the primary stress bearing area in the upper jaw. d. Is the torus palatinus. 7. Retromolar pad: a. Used as a guide for distal end of denture b. Is the distal end of the residual mandibular ridge c. Is used as guide to located the occlusal plane of mandibular denture d. b and c are correct 8. Primary stress bearing area in maxillary arch is ; a. The buccal shelf area b. The crest of the posterior alveolar ridge c. Retromolar area d. Hamular Notch 9. The difference between the occlusal vertical dimension and the rest vertical dimension is r as __ a. Lee Way Space b. Free Way Space c. Intercondylar Distance d.Overjet
- 4: Matching Activity Match the term with the correct definition. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) bile diarrhea feces gallstones gastric juices gastrointestinal (GI) tract kilocalorie mastication ulcer disperse erratic neutralize secrete sloughed A. Chewing B. A digestive juice which aids fat digestion. C. The unit in which the energy value of food is measured. D. Hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, and mucus. E. The source of immediate energy found in muscle tissue. F. Small crystals that form from bile in the gallbladder. G. To counterbalance. H. To release I. Shed. J. A muscular tube leading from the mouth to the anus. K. Frequent expulsion of watery feces. L. Distribute. M. Solid wastes that result from digestion. N. Irregular. O. An open sore in the lining of the stomach or small intestine.
- Hospice is a philosophy of care for the dying patient and the family . Which of the following is not true regarding hospice care? 1) It was developed in England in the early 1960s as a reaction to the needs of dying people for care and comfort. 2) Nurses provide around-the -clock care and relief for families providing terminal care. 3) Hospice was originally a medieval guesth se for travelers. 4) The focus of hospice is rehabilitation.
- 42. __ ethical principle entails providing optiraal care to patients . LO8 A) Beneficence B) Autonomy C) Non-maleficence D) Justice