Halk Sağlığı Atama Yardımı
Halk sağlığı atama yardımı, öğrencilerin ve uygulayıcıların halk sağlığıyla ilgili görevleri daha iyi tamamlamalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmış bir halk sağlığı öğrenme aracıdır. Program, öğrencilerin halk sağlığının çeşitli yönlerini daha iyi anlamalarına yardımcı olmak için ders materyalleri, araştırma makaleleri, video eğitimleri vb. dahil olmak üzere çok sayıda halk sağlığı öğrenme kaynağı sağlar.
Ayrıca platform, öğrencilerin ödevlerini daha verimli bir şekilde tamamlamalarına yardımcı olmak için hesap makineleri, veri tabanı sorguları, harita analizi vb. gibi çeşitli araçlar sağlar. Halk sağlığı ödev yardımcısı aynı zamanda öğrencilerin halk sağlığı farkındalığını ve yeterliliğini geliştirmek için deneyimlerini ve kaynaklarını diğer halk sağlığı profesyonelleriyle paylaşabilecekleri çevrimiçi bir iletişim topluluğu da sağlar.
- 1. Explain three (3) factors that influence utilization of family planning services the serines in the (6marks) (6marks) (4marks) 3. Explain three (3) factors that enhance effective heith education. (6 marks) 4. Outline six (6)provider related challenges encountered while implementing immunization programme (6marks) 5. Outline six (6)reasons multidrug- resistant Tuberculosis is on the increase(6 marks) thire requirion by buil 6. State the mechanism of action of lactational amenorrhea method of family planning . (2marks) 7. State five (5)ways a community health nurse can help achieve the goals of primary health care .... (5 marks) 8. State five (5)factors that may influence decision making in a health centre (5marks) PART THREE-LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (40 MARKS) 1. As the community health nurse in-charge of a level three service delivery centre you have admitted three adults to the ward with history of tenesmus , colicky abdominal pains and passing bloódy mucoid diarrhoea: a. Name the possible micro-organism responsible for the cases (1mark) b. State two (2 )characteristics of the micro -organism (2 marks) c. Explain-two-(2)-community based factors that may influence the occurrence of the condition. (6marks) d. Describe your role in managing the cases. in (11marks) 2. For the provision of quality primary health care a registered community health nurse must be an effective manager. a: Define the term principle as used in administration. (2 marks) b. Explain three (3)theories of management (6 marks) c. Describe the managerial functions you would apply to help achieve the goals of primary
- 1. Explain three (3) factors that influence utilization of family planning services viruted didy the services in the health (6marks) 2. State four (4) reasons why feedback to the community is important after a community (4marks) 3. Explain three (3)factors that enhance effective health education. (6 marks) as lace 4. Outline six (6)provider related challenges encountered while implementing (6marks) 5. Outline six (6)reasons multidrug- resistant Tuberculosis is on the increase(6 marks) remi 6. State the mechanism of action of lactational amenorrhea method of family planning - (2marks) 7. State five (5)ways a community health nurse can help achieve the goals of primary (5 marks) 8. State five (5)factors that may ir influence decision making in a health centre (5marks) PART THREE-LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (40 MARKS) 1. As the community health nurse in-charge of a level three service delivery centre you have admitted three adults to the ward with history of tenesmus , colicky abdominal pains and passing bloódy mucoid diarrhoea: a. Name the possible micro-organism responsible for the cases (1mark) b. State two (2)characteristics of the micro-organism (2 marks) c. Explain-two-(2) community based factors that may influence the occurrence of the condition. (6marks) d. Describe your role in managing the cases. (11marks) 2. For the provision of quality primary health care, a registered community health nurse must be an effective manager. a: Define the term principle as used in administration. (2 marks) b. Explain three (3)theories of management (6 marks) c. Describe the managerial functions you would apply to help achieve the goals of primary
- State six (6) barriers that hinder counselling in family planning (6marks) Explain your role in implementingSustainable development goal number three (SDG) to ensure "health lives"for women in the community (6marks) Baby sue aged 14 weeks is brought to the MCH/FP clinic for the first time finds you on duty: a) List the vaccines you are likely to administer to baby Sue during this immunization session. (3marks) b) Outline five(5) key health messages you will share with mama Sue (5marks) State five(5) roles of the county public health nurse (5marks) Explain three (3) components of school health program. ( 6marks) Outline five (5) benefits of community participation during implementation of health programs ( 4marks) State five (5) sources of government revenue. (5marks) ART III: LONG ANSWEAR QUESTION-( 40 MARKS) 1. You are the nurse incharge of Que health facility, cholera outbreak has been reported in the neighboring facility: a) Define cholera (1mark) b) Explain the three (3) stages of cholera (6marks) c) Describe the control and preventive measures of cholera (11marks) d) List four (4)complications of cholera. (2marks) 2. A community health nurse utilizes the function of delegation to achieve organizational goals: a) Outline five(5) factors you would consider when choosing the officer to delegate to (5marks) b) Describe your responsibility during the implementation of the task you have delegated (8marks) c) Explain two(2) reasons why delegation is beneficial to the organization (4marks) d) State three (3)reasons why managers fail to delegate (3marks)
- Part 11:Short Answer Questions (40 Marks) 1. With an aid of a diagram illustrate the faecal-oral transmission cycle (5marks) 2. State two (2)functions of fibre in the diet (4 marks) 3. Explain two (2)aims of epidemiology (4marks) 4. Explain three (3)ways how effective communication can improve provision of services in a health facility. (6Marks) 5. State three (3)effects of solid waste mismanagement in a market (3 marks) 6. Explain three (3)aims of community strategy (6marks) 7. State five (5)roles of a community health nurse in increasing utilization of family planning (5 marks) 8. State five (5)principles in maintenance of cold chain (5marks) 9. State two (2)key stake holders in implementation of primary health care (2Marks) KMTC/QP-08/TIS 1. As a community health nurse in charge of a health Centre,you have noted one reported case of Typhoid Fever in the facility. a) State three (3)characteristics of the causative organism (3 marks) b) List four (4)signs and symptoms of typhoid Fiver (2marks) c) Describe the management of the patient in the health facility and preventive measures you will undertake in the community to prevent an outbreak (15 Marks) 2. You have been posted in a newly established health Centre where integrated health services have not been established: a) Define integrated health services (1mark) b) State four (4)advantages of integrated health services. (4marks) c) Describe how you would initiate integrated health services in this health center. (15marks) Part 111: Long Answer Questions (40 Marks)
- SECTION 2: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 41. Explain three (3)principles of Primary health care in community strategy concept. (6 marks) 42. Explain three (3)social services available for management of various persons with special needs in the community. 43. State the five (5) stages in the process of bacilli of 'calmette Guerin (BCG)reaction following administration. (6 marks) (5 marks) (6 marks) 46. Explain three (3)reasons for carrying out programmed annual staff appraisal (6 marks) 47. State four (4)general principles in management of sexually transmitted infection(marks) 48. Draw a diagram to show the transmissior cycle of Schistosoma Hacmatobium. (5 marks) SECTION 3: LONG ANSWER QUESTION (20 MARKS) 49. You are deployed as a community health nurse in charge of a Sub County where health seeking behavior of majority of lifecycle cohorts in the community is very low and communicable diseases prevalence is on the increase. a) State four (4)factors that influence health seeking behavior of the community (4 marks) b) State four (4)principles of prevention and control of communicable diseases. c) Describe specific services to be rendered to each of the six lifecycle cohorts in this community according to Kenya essential package of Health (KEPH) to improve their health status. (12 marks) (4 marks) (40 MARKS) 44. Explain the components in the epidemiological triad KMTCQP-8FPS 45. State four (4) Health sector flagship projects for attainment of visian 2030 (4 marks)