Halk Sağlığı Atama Yardımı
Halk sağlığı atama yardımı, öğrencilerin ve uygulayıcıların halk sağlığıyla ilgili görevleri daha iyi tamamlamalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmış bir halk sağlığı öğrenme aracıdır. Program, öğrencilerin halk sağlığının çeşitli yönlerini daha iyi anlamalarına yardımcı olmak için ders materyalleri, araştırma makaleleri, video eğitimleri vb. dahil olmak üzere çok sayıda halk sağlığı öğrenme kaynağı sağlar.
Ayrıca platform, öğrencilerin ödevlerini daha verimli bir şekilde tamamlamalarına yardımcı olmak için hesap makineleri, veri tabanı sorguları, harita analizi vb. gibi çeşitli araçlar sağlar. Halk sağlığı ödev yardımcısı aynı zamanda öğrencilerin halk sağlığı farkındalığını ve yeterliliğini geliştirmek için deneyimlerini ve kaynaklarını diğer halk sağlığı profesyonelleriyle paylaşabilecekleri çevrimiçi bir iletişim topluluğu da sağlar.
- 24. What are the main etiologic factors of tooth mobility? I. Progression of periodontal inflammation II. Trauma from occlusion III. Attachment loss a) Only I b) II and III c) I and III d) Only III e) All of them
- 8. Asagidakilerden hangisi safsata/komplo teorisi tanimina uymaz? a). Dủz dünya inanci b). A1-otizm baglantisi iddiasi c). Antibiyotik kullanlml d).Sigaranin yararli oldugu iddialari
- 15-Primary stress bearing area in mandibular edentulous ridge is: A. Buccal shelf B. Crest of the ridge C. Retromolar pad D. Lingual flange 16- In making a final impression for a complete denture, the most important area of the impression is: A. Ridge area of maxilla and buccal shelf of mandible B. Lingual border area of mandible C. Junction of hard and soft palate of maxilla and distolingual area of mandible D. Mid palatal area of maxilla and ridge of the mandible 17- Which of the following is seen in natural dentition? A. Presence of proprioceptive feedback mechanism B. Teeth receive individual pressures of occlusion and move independently. C. Malocclusion of teeth may be uneventful for years D. All of the above 18- Which of the following is not required for complete denture occlusion? A. Unlocking the cusps mesiodistally to allow for gradual but inevitable setting of the bases due to tissue deformation and bone resorption. B. Control of horizontal force by buccolingual cusp height reduction according to residual ridge Constance form and interarch distance. C. Functional lever balance by favorable tooth-to-tootr crest position D. Sharp ridges or cusps and generous sluice ways to shear and shred food with the minimum of force necessary. 19- In natural teeth when the mandible is protuded so that the incisal edges of the upper 3 the lower teeth contact, there is a gap between the upper 8 lower posterior teeth this is termed as __ A. Compensating curve B. Christensen's phenomenon C. Reverse curve D. Monoplane occlusion 20- Requirements for __ A. Balancing occlusal units B. Working occlusal units C. Incising units D. None of them They should not contact during mastication. They should have as flat an incisal guidance as possible considering anthetics and phonetics. should have horizontal overlap to allow for base settling whout interference. They should contact only during protrusive incising function.
- 2024 DENT201 Final Exam Name: Student No: 1-Bennett movement of mandible is related to: A. Condylar rotation B. Lateral bodily movement of mandible C. Protrusive movement of mandible D. Edge to edge occlusion 2-The interarch distance measured when the occlusal rims are in uniform contact is: A. Freeway Space B. Vertical dimension of occlusion C. Vertical dimension of rest D. Christensen's space 3. Which maxillary teeth should have their cusp tips in the occlusal plane? A. Maxillary lateral incisors B. Maxillary second molars C. Maxillary second premolars D. Maxillary first premolar's palatinal cusp 4- Gothic arch tracing: A. Intraoral tracing device B. Extraoral tracing device C. Records centric relation and the movements of mandible in horizontal plane D. Records centric occlusion and the movements of mandible in vertical plane 5- Freeway space is defined as: A. Vertical dimension at rest B. Vertical dimension at occlusion+verticaldimensionatrest C. vertical dimension at rest - vertical dimension at occlusion D. Vertical dimension at occlusion - vertical dimension at rest 6- If dentures are cleaned in boiling water.they: A. Become sticky B. Warp C. Melt D. Galvanize 7- Punched out lesions on the alveolar ridge is due to: A. Acrylic nodules on tissue surface of denture B. Disturbed occlusion C. Overextended borders of denture D. Narrow occlusal table
- 13. Temialing seventer Kumatli gurbuz dur. Ank hards gazerler Hostolition burtulur Yukandok dortlukten hongisi okonlamaz? A. Soghili olmok isthyorsok temiz ho vodo gezintiler yopmolyz B. Duzenti ve dengeli besterienter C. Temizlik sogligo. a. soglik momizo neden dur