Halk Sağlığı Atama Yardımı
Halk sağlığı atama yardımı, öğrencilerin ve uygulayıcıların halk sağlığıyla ilgili görevleri daha iyi tamamlamalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmış bir halk sağlığı öğrenme aracıdır. Program, öğrencilerin halk sağlığının çeşitli yönlerini daha iyi anlamalarına yardımcı olmak için ders materyalleri, araştırma makaleleri, video eğitimleri vb. dahil olmak üzere çok sayıda halk sağlığı öğrenme kaynağı sağlar.
Ayrıca platform, öğrencilerin ödevlerini daha verimli bir şekilde tamamlamalarına yardımcı olmak için hesap makineleri, veri tabanı sorguları, harita analizi vb. gibi çeşitli araçlar sağlar. Halk sağlığı ödev yardımcısı aynı zamanda öğrencilerin halk sağlığı farkındalığını ve yeterliliğini geliştirmek için deneyimlerini ve kaynaklarını diğer halk sağlığı profesyonelleriyle paylaşabilecekleri çevrimiçi bir iletişim topluluğu da sağlar.
- 15. Asagidakilerden hangisi alt cenede bulunan anatomik yapilardan degildir? a. Zigomatik eikinti b. Retromolar bolge c. Dil frenulumu d. Dudak frenulumu e. Mylohyoid sirt
- Directorate of Health Services raditional and Compressments medicine regulation was published at the end of 2013 of the traditional, alternative and comples Regulation published on October 27 complementary and Complementary termeteine Practices Department within the General Directorate of Health Services raditional, ale Ministry of Health sent letter to universities asking them to express their views on opening centers - Which regulation started the history of complementary treatment in Turkey? Acupuncture Treatment Regulation 1. Phytotherapy II. Ozone Therapy III . Cupping IV. Apitherapy 2. Which of the following are/are included in complementary and alternative treatment methods? a. I and II b. II and III c. III and IV d. 1,11 and IV e. I, II, III and IV 3. Which of the following is not one of the materials used during massage application? e. Oil a. Lotion b. Cream c. Ice d. Cologne I. Manage pain II. Increase parasym pathetic control III. Decrease sympathetic stimulation IV. Promote sleep 4. Which of the above are the purposes of using massage? a. I and IV b. II and IV c. I and III d. I, II and III e. I, II, III and IV square 5. Which of the following is the definition of the word "yoga"? a. Relaxing the body by breathing b. Relaxing the body by meditating c. Anything that involves the process of focusing d. Uniting, unifying, integrating,concentrating or focusing one's attention on a particular area and achieving a sense square of wholeness e. Meditating by regulating the breath 6. Which of the bee products has anticancer,antimutagenic, antinociceptive and radioprotective properties? a. Bee venom b. Apilarnil c. Royal jelly d. Beeswax e. Bee bread 7. It has been reported that honey dressing applied as a topical treatment method for three months in patients with diabetic foot ulcers prevents the development of __ and accelerates __ Which of the following correctly answers the words that will come in the blanks above? a. Ulceration and wound healing b. Oral mucositis and wound healing c. Increased insulin and ulceration d. Ulceration and oral mucositis e. Insulin level and oral mucositis 8. Music therapy applications are used in health and education areas such as promoting healthy living, providing stress management.reducing pain, improving memory and communication, expressing em tions and physical rehabilitation Music therapy is applied in two ways: __ __ Which of the following should go in the blanks? a. Active and Passive b. Passive and Jazz c. Active and Slow d. Jazz and Makam music e. Jazz and Slow
- 11. When applying essential oils through massage, it is necessary to prepare a mixture. When creating a mixture for massage: __ drops of essential oil should be diluted with 5 ml (one teaspoon) of cold-pressed vegetable oil, cream or gel. Using a 1% to 5% dilution, the amount of essential oil absorbed from a whole body massage should normally be __ ml to __ ml. a. 5-6 drops, 0.003 to 0.2 ml b. 3-4 drops. 0.001 to 0.5 ml C. 4-5 drops, 0.003 to 0.1 ml d. 10 drops, 0 .001 to 0.2 ml e. 1-2 drops, 0.002 to 0.3 ml
- a this mother remember why people conduct research? develop wale movie of science to ahance one's career to conduct original 1. To improve the quality of care-to be beneficial to oneselt B. which of the folowiy a the contenter of scientific research method? 1 Determining the study type to research problem 11. Analyong the data D. in, in, IV,V E. IV, II,m.v A. manciv . A. N, L lin, V c II. IN, III, V All which of the following is a variable that can exist under the influence of many factors generally beyond the control of the indivital and whose dinetion of relationship with these factors is tried to be determined? C. Nominal D. Dependent E. Independent A. Control B. Continuous 21. Ar what stage of the research process is data collection addressed? A. Disemivition phase 8. implementation phase C. Theoretical phase D. Analysis phase E. Design and Panning puse 22. Which of the folowing are the two most effective ways to share scientific knowledge? A. Qually sentific publication-invivation 8. Qually scientific publication Simulation C. Oral presentation Simulation a. Oral presentation-Quality scientific publication 23. Which of the following is the correct match of the internationally accepted codes of research ethics? A. WHO-ICN B. Asyal College of Nursing-Helsinki Declaration C. Nuremberg Codes-Helsink Declaration a. Who-tielsinki Declaration E Aoyal College of Nursing-ION 24. In which section of the research report is included in the research problem? A. Introduction C. Abstract B. Methods D. Results E. Discussion 28. Which of the following is not one of the ethical principles to be considered in research process? A. The research must be legitimate in terms of its potential benefits (Beneficence). 8. The potential benefits of the research must not expose participants to risk (Non-maleficence) C. Informed consent is a must. D. Participants must be able to withdraw from the study at any time (Respect for autonomy). E Participants' information must be open to sharing (Transparency).
- Gorme yetersialigi olan bireylerin günluk yaşam becerilerini geliştirmek için hangi yōntem daha uygundur? A. Teknolojik cihazlarn cok sinirli kullanilmasi B. Seslive dokunsal materyallerle yapilan eğitimler C. Gorsel materyallerin kullanimm artirmak D. Diger ogrencilerin rehberligine birakmak. E. Gorsel materyallerle bireye her gün eğitim vermek