Hukuk Ödevi Yardımı
Bu, kullanıcıların sorular veya anahtar kelimeler girerek ilgili hukuki metinleri ve açıklamaları hızlı bir şekilde bulmalarına yardımcı olabilecek, doğal dil işleme teknolojisine dayalı bir hukuki yardım aracıdır. Hukuk atama yardımı, kullanıcının şüphesini akıllıca analiz etmek ve bu hukuki sorularla ilgili yanıtlar sağlamak için OpenAI'nin GPT modellerini kullanır. Aynı zamanda proje, kullanıcı geri bildirimlerine göre sürekli olarak öğrenilebiliyor ve optimize edilebiliyor.
Hukuk ödevi yardımı, OpenAI API ve pgvector veritabanını temel alan, kullanıcıların ABD eyaletlerinin ve dünya çapındaki büyük ülkelerin yasalarını ve düzenlemelerini hızlı bir şekilde sorgulamasına ve anlamasına yardımcı olabilecek bir yapay zeka hukuk asistanıdır. Sıradan insanların kanunları daha iyi anlamalarına, uygulamalarına ve hukuk okuryazarlığını geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmaya değer.
- 6. What is a core requirement under anti-discrimination laws for people a) Equal treatment and reasonable accommo dations b) Preferential treatment d) Luxury spending c) Segregated services d) Removal of all employment restrictions 7. Which concept promotes customized learning plans for children with disabilities? a) Social integration plans b) Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) c) Universal design d) Digital adaptation a) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights b) The 1951 Refugee Convention c) The International Labour Organization Act d) The Hague Convention 9. Refoulement refers to: a) Voluntary repatriation b) Economic migration c) Cultural reintegration d) Illegal expulsion to danger 10. Social workers help victims of human trafficking primarily by: a) Filing complaints to the police b) Deporting them to home countries c) Connecting them with resources and advocacy d) Registering them in migrant databases 11. What does subsidiary protection offer? a) Full citizenship b) Rights without refugee status c) Temporary living arrangements d) Only employment support 12. What is a key responsibility of forensic social workers? a) Assessing individuals' mental health for legal decisions b) Solely representing the client in court c) Determining sentencing outcomes d) Acting as a legal mediator 13. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following is the most basic level tha be addressed first? a) Self-actualization b) Safety needs c) Physiological needs d) Love and belongingness
- 14. What is the primary role of forensic social workers It's legal rets and providing customs recommendations b) Acting as the d) Supervising parental visitation c) Determining the child's senior in legal cases 15. Forensic social workers (involved in rehabilitation programs for offenders focus on: b) Addreing ngunders receive matimum penation b) Addressing underlying issues like mental health and substance abuse c) Creating stricter incarceration like men d) Monitoring legal compliance exclusively 16. Which of the following is NOT a form of domestic violence? a) Emotional b) Physical abuse c)Verbal abuse d) Constructive feedback 17. What is the primary reason foster care is often temporary? a) To avoid financial strain on the system b) To allow parents to resolve their problems c) Because foster families are unwilling to adopt d) To prepare children for institutional care 18. Birth parents' rights are fully terminated after: a) A court hearing b) The foster care period ends c) An adoption order is granted d) The child becomes 18 19. In-kind support under social allowances includes: a) Direct cash payments b) Food, clothing, and medical equipment c) Tax exemptions d) Job placement programs 20. Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that before achieving self-actualization, an individual must first meet: a) Safety needs and physiological needs b) Self-esteem and safety needs c) Social belonging and love needs d) Employment and financial stability 21. A primary role of social workers in disability advocacy is to: a) Enforce legal actions against employers b) Provide resources and ensure accessibility for clients c) Mandate educational placement for children d) Train healthcare workers exclusively 22. How do social workers promote inclusion for individuals with disabilities? grBy advocating for community -based services and inclusive practices
- 18 Multiple Choice 1 point Zachrecelves a notification from the IRS that he owes money. All of the following Indicate that this could be a scam EXCEPT... The IRS texts him from an unknown number The IRS threatens to send local law enforcement if he does not send the money he owesinatimely manner The IRS sends him a formalletter in the mall notifying him of taxes he owes The IRS calls him and demands he pay taxes he owes within 24 hours
- Bireyselleştirilmis Egitim Plan (BEP)biriminde yer almasi gereken kisilerle ligili aşağdaki ifadelerden hangisi dogrudur? A. BEP birimi yalnizca ozel egitim ogretmenlerinden oluşur ve diger paydaşlar sureçlere dahil edilmez. B. BEP birimi, ogrencinin aile bireylerive okul aile birligi Gyelerinden olusur. C. Sadece okul moduru sinif ogretmenive rehberlik ogretmeni yer alir. D. BEP biriminde, ogrencinin yalmzea dersine giren ogretmenter ve rehberlik ogretment bulunur veli sureçlere dahil edilmez. E. Okul mudürü veya gorevlendirdigi müddiry yardimosi beskanilginda sinif ogretment, alan ogretmenler rehberlik ogretmeni, vellive ogrenciden olusur.
- 17. "Muhendisle mesleki bilgilerin guncellestirite , kilturlerini ve mesleki yeterlittklermi gelistivirier "ifadesi a) Ridakilerden hangisi kapsamma girmektedir b) Mohendisin b) Mohendisin isverene karyi sorumluluklar c) Milhendisin musteriy karsi sorumbiluklar d) Mohendisin mestege karsi e) Mohendisin kendisine karyi soruminiuklar