Sosyal Bilgiler Ödev Yardımı
Bu dünya ve her ülke hakkındaki genel izleniminizi yükseltmek istemelisiniz. En azından var olan medeniyetler ve Dünya‘da olup bitenler hakkında iyi bir fikre sahip olmalısınız. Eğer bu doğruysa, çağrınıza hazır olacağız.
Fransız Devrimi ve Napolyon'un fiili iktidara yükselişinden İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın tetikleyicisine ve arkasındaki gizli ekonomik sorunlara kadar cevapları bu büyük “ansiklopedide” bulacaksınız. Sorularınızı sormak için ev ödevi yardımcısı sosyal bilgiler'i kullanabilirsiniz; biz de sizi en yetkili yanıtlarla eşleştiririz. Bu kadar basit. Bugün sosyal bilgiler notlarınızı yükseltmeye başlayın.
- The following mechanism applies to many of the valid deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning forms: Cause+Rule-Effect In the case of deductive reasoning, the premises represent the Rule and square as our conclusion Based on these premises we try to identify square square Based on these premises we try to identify square as our conclusion In the case of abductive reasoning, the premises represent the Effect and the square as our conclusion - Based on these premises we try to identify square
- Consider the following deductive argument: Pl. Istanbul is the capital city of Turkey. P2. All capital cities have at least one concert hall that has more than 5,000 seats. C. Istanbul has at least one concert hall that has more than 5,000 seats. How would you categorize this argument in terms of validity and soundness? a. Sound b. Invalid and sound C. Valid and unsound d. invalid and not sound e. Invalid
- Question 4 Only in square the conclusion necessarily follows the premises. In other words, if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true.
- Question 4 Not yet answered Only in square the conclusion necessarily follows the premises. In other words, if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true.
- Deductive syllogism is a valid form of deductive reasoning which is logically represented as follows: Por Q. Not -P. Therefore, Q. Which of the following is/are deductive syllogism(s)? i. I will have pasta and pizza for dinner. I did not have pizza. Therefore I had pasta only ii. I will have pasta or pizza for dinner. I did not have pasta Therefore, I had pizza only. iii. If I will have pasta for dinner, then I will not have pizza. I had pasta for dinner. Therefore, I did not have pizza. a. only i b. ii and iii c. iand iii d. only iii e. only ii