Tarih Ödev Yardımı
Tarih kimine göre büyüleyici, kimine göre sıkıcı bir konudur. Bazı öğrenciler geçmişin çeşitli olayları, savaşları ve heyecan verici kişilikleri karşısında heyecanlanırken, diğerleri savaşların kronolojisini, etkili liderlerin adlarını ve konunun sunduğu ağır bilgileri ezberlemeyi çok zor buluyor.
Neyse ki, bu tarih soruları ve cevaplarıyla bazı önemli olayları ve bunların tam olarak ne zaman gerçekleştiğini hatırlamanız kolaydır. Bu önemli kişilerin isimleri başınızı döndürse bile fazla endişelenmeyin. Tarih ödevi yardımımız, onları daha iyi hatırlamanıza yardımcı olmak için bunları bazı ilginç hikayelerle ilişkilendirecek bir yapay zeka ilişkilendirme özelliğine sahiptir.
- Which law banned slavery anywhere in the United States or its jurisdiction? the Civil Rights Act of 1866 the Reconstruction Act of 1867 the Thirteenth Amendment the Fourteenth Amendment
- Mustafa Kemal Paşa, gorevinde bulundugu esnada Havza'dar kolordu komutanlarina gizl bir-sekildetelgraf gondermisti Butelgrafinda, Anadolu'da yasanan isgallerin mitingler yapilarakve itilaf Devletleri ileOsmanir Hukumetine telgraf gekilerek protestoedilmesini istemişti Fakat Mustafa KemalPaça bu miting ve protestolar yapilirkentaskinlik yapilmamasini 6zellikle vurgulamistir. Mustafa Kemal Pasa'nun miting ve protestolar esnasinda taskinlik yapilmamasi yónündeuyarida bulunmasinin temel sebebi asagida verilenlerden hangisidir? A Górevini kaybetmekistememesi B Mondros Ateskes Antiagmasinin 7.maddesinin devreys girmesini engellemek C Itilaf Devletleri leantlas Trazeminiolusturmaya calismasi D Osmanlihükimetini destegini almakistemesi
- Kutadgu Bilig hakkinda verilen bilgilerden hangisi yanlistir? 11240 A. Yazari Yusuf Has Hacib'tir. B. 1069 yilinda yazilmiştir. C. "Hakikatlerin esigi anlamina gelmektedir. D. Türk hakimiyet anlayişi, devlet ve siyasi iktidar kavramlari işler
- SECTION A (40 MARKS) 1. Home Science as a profession came into being as a result of people's search for solutions to problems affecting individuals and the family.Qualify this statement. (6 marks) 2. Briefly explain how the following individuals contributed in the origin and development of Home Science profession. (8 marks) (a) Margaret Jenkins (b) Catherine Beecher (c) Ellen Richards (d) Socrates 3. Briefly explain how the following contributed in the development of Home economics worldwide. (3 marks) (a) Land Grant colleges (b) The Rumford kitchen (c) New England Kitchen in Boston 4. Explain how the following is promoted in the Home Science profession in relation to man's wellbeing. (5 marks) (a) physiological health and development (b) social development; relationships family living (c) psychological development; family stressors, education and business (d) man's near environment (e) consumer competence
- Home Science education as a profession was founded on the basis of people's search for solutions to problems affecting individuals, family and society. By giving relevant and specific examples qualify this statement on the basis of the following (20 marks) (a) Social changes (b) Economic changes (c) Technological changes (d) Institutional Changes Having successfully secured a chance at the University to pursue studies in Home Science education your former school has invited you to give a talk to form 1 students on Home Science education as a way o making them understand the field of knowledge as they prepare to make their count selection to join university. Giving specific cramples discase four major focal points of your talk (20 marks) Giving relevant and specific examples discuss how the following forces strend the development of Home Science education globally (20 marks) (a) Early schools for girls (b) Philanthropic organizations (c) Kitchen garden movements charser (d) Land grant colleges Socrates an ancient Greek philosopher is on record as and advocate for Home Economics education (Home Science education). In his dialogue with a young Greek student he likened the success of household management to two aspects Giving two specific and relevant examples in each case discuss how the following aspects applied to the dialogue (20 marks) (a) Moderation (b) Hard work