Hukuk Ödevi Yardımı
Bu, kullanıcıların sorular veya anahtar kelimeler girerek ilgili hukuki metinleri ve açıklamaları hızlı bir şekilde bulmalarına yardımcı olabilecek, doğal dil işleme teknolojisine dayalı bir hukuki yardım aracıdır. Hukuk atama yardımı, kullanıcının şüphesini akıllıca analiz etmek ve bu hukuki sorularla ilgili yanıtlar sağlamak için OpenAI'nin GPT modellerini kullanır. Aynı zamanda proje, kullanıcı geri bildirimlerine göre sürekli olarak öğrenilebiliyor ve optimize edilebiliyor.
Hukuk ödevi yardımı, OpenAI API ve pgvector veritabanını temel alan, kullanıcıların ABD eyaletlerinin ve dünya çapındaki büyük ülkelerin yasalarını ve düzenlemelerini hızlı bir şekilde sorgulamasına ve anlamasına yardımcı olabilecek bir yapay zeka hukuk asistanıdır. Sıradan insanların kanunları daha iyi anlamalarına, uygulamalarına ve hukuk okuryazarlığını geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmaya değer.
- 7) Which of the following is not an irrebuttable presumption? Children under the age of 7 being incapable of committing felony Children under the age of 15 being incapable of giving consent for sexual intercourse Husband being the father of child born during marriage Everyone assumed to know all the entries in the Land Registry The woman giving birth to a child being the mother 8) 1. The laws may be ambiguous II. The rules may be very concrete II. The provisions may have gaps Which of the above is/are among the reasons why interpretation of law is needed? Only I I and II I and III II and III I, II and III 9) Which of the following methods of interpretation enables the centuries-old laws kept up-to-date by judges, by taking into account the social and cultural values and balance of interests at the time of enactment of the relevant law? Textual interpretation Free interpretation Logical interpretation Teleological interpretation Textual interpretation
- 5) Which of the following with regard to the burden of proof in civil cases is correct? The defendant is under the obligation to prove the facts that he has asserted, and it is called an "affirmative defense". The general rule on the Civil Code about burden of proof is silent on the question of who has to prove their claims first. Generally speaking, the party who alleges that his claim is based on an exceptional fact is under the burden of proof. Burden of proof can shift between the parties. All of the options are correct. 6) Please fill in the blanks as appropriate A legal inference as to one fact from the known existence of some other fact or group of fact is called __ Contradiction Consumption Presumption Evidence
- 2) What is the act of thought by which from two given premises is reached a third premise? Argumentum a contrario Syllogism Analogy Direct reference Indirect reference 3) Which of the following regarding application of legal rules is incorrect? In argumentum a contrario, an argument is derived from the opposite meaning. Analogy is especially applicable in criminal law. In order to resolve a legal controversy,one of the first things to do is to determine the applicable legal rules. All legal cases are evidentially based on certain facts for which evidence must be brought. The final step of applying legal rules is the judgment by the court.
- 1) In what order shall the judge apply the following, according to the Turkish Civil Code? 1. Deciding in accordance with the customary law II. Laying down a rule as he were legislator III. Ascertaining written legal rules applicable III-II-I I-III-II II- I-III III-I-II II- III- I 2) What is the act of thought by which from two given premises is reached a third premise? Argumentum a contrario Syllogism Analogy Direct reference Indirect reference 3) Which of the following regarding application of legal rules is incorrect? In argumentum a contrario an argument is derived from the opposite meaning. Analogy is especially applicable in criminal law. In order to resolve a legal controversy, one of the first things to do is to determine the applicable legal rules. All legal cases are evidentially based on certain facts for which evidence must be brought. The final step of applying legal rules is the judgment by the court. 4) In criminal cases who is under the burden of proof to prove that the accused is guilty? The victim The plaintiff The judge himself The Prosecutor Both parties are under the burden of proof
- Tanzimat dòneminde 1868 de Ahmet Cevdet Pasainir baskanliginda bir komisyon tarafinda hazirlanan borplar, esya ve yargilama hukukuna dair bồlümlerden olusan aile, kis ve miras hukukuna yer verilmeyen medeni kanun asagidaklerden hangisan? a. Ramazan Kararnamesi b. Osmanli Tabiiyet Kanunu c. Mecelle d. Maarif Nizamnamesi e. Halepa Fermani