Edebiyat Ödev Yardımı
Edebiyat, fikirleri, duyguları ve deneyimleri dil aracılığıyla ifade eden ve ileten bir sanat formudur. Çok çeşitli biçim ve tarzları kapsayan, insan kültürünün ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır. Edebi eserler roman, şiir, drama, deneme ve daha fazlasını içerebilir. Edebiyat yalnızca toplumsal, tarihi ve kültürel arka planı yansıtmaz, aynı zamanda okuyucunun hayal gücüne, duygularına ve eleştirel düşünme yeteneklerine de ilham verir. Edebiyat sayesinde insan, insanlığın iç dünyasını keşfedebilir, farklı bakış açılarını ve değerleri anlayabilir, güzelliğin keyfini yaşayabilir. Edebiyatın kişisel gelişim ve toplumsal gelişim üzerinde önemli bir etkisi vardır.
- (2) Hort das Lled und fullt dle Lucken aus Komm rein lch zelge dlr meln (1) __ Das lst grop vlel zu (2) lch zelge dlr meln Haus. __ Komm reln, es geht los (3) __ und Esszlmmer. Bad und (4) __ Treppe und Arbeltszlmmer, Keller und Gastezlmmer. Dachboden und Klnderzlmmer, Flur und (5) __ Mach es dlr bequem. Ich zelge dlr melne Wohnung. Dle lst kleln , vlel zu (6) __ Ich zelge dlr melne (7) __ Komm reln . sle lst feln. Küche und Esszlmmer, (8) __ und Schlafzlmmer, Treppe und Arbeltszlmmer, (9) __ und Gastezlmmer. Dachboden und (10) __ cMach es dlr bequem.
- "GATTACA" Movie Work Section: 1. What is the significance of the letters that are highlighted at the beginning credits of the movie? (Hint: they are the same letters in the title of the movie) __ 2. At Vincent's birth doctors already knew how he would die. What was Vincent's life expectancy and what would he likely die from? __ 3. "They used to say that a child conceived in love has a greater chance of happiness.What do you think this means? __ 4. How was Vincent's childhood affected by his genetic profile? How was Vincent's adult life affected? __ 5. Scenes of the two brothers childhood imply certain differences in the physique List some obvious differences between Vincent and his brother. __ Date:
- 2 Complete the sentences with the words from the boxes. compensate estimate 1. No one is sure of the exact number of autistic savants with extraordinary abilities there are in the world.but experts __ that there are fewer than 100. 2. Studies indicate that one hemisphere of a savant's brain may __ for damage to the other hemisphere. 3. With the number of passwords needed for everyday life, it is sometimes difficult to __ all of them in your memory. retain
- Aç geldigini bildigim hâlde sessiz kalmam benim de anlam veremedigim bir hareketti . Insanoglu zaman zaman kendisinin de anlam veremedigi birtakim day- ranislar sergileyebiliyor demek ki. Bu củmle ile ilgili olarak aşağidaki ifadelerden hangisi yanliştir? A) "bildigim"kelimesi fii kokünden gelmekte olup fill- den isim yapan bir ek almistir. B) "kalmam"kelimesi iyelik eki almis olup basit bir sózciiktùr. C)"Insanoglu'kelimesi yapisina góre birlesik bir sôz- cüktür. DI "davranişlar"kelimesi fill kokunden gelmekte olup filden isim yapan bir ek almiştir. E)"sergileyebiliyor"kelimesi bir kịp eki aldigindan
- okundugunda parçanin anlam 1.-16. sorularda, cümleler sirasiyla butunlugünd bozan cümley/bulunuz 1. (I) One characteristic of the Persian Empire is that it had an organized state religion. (II)That was Zoroastrianism. (III) Scholars do not agree about the time that Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism, lived. (IV) The basic tenet of this religion was that there was a supreme creator god and the king was considered the favourite of this god (V) So obedience to the king was associated with religion, which highly reinforced state control of the subjects. C) III 2. (I) In Athens, car owners are only allowed to drive into the city centre every other day. (II) However, as the new underground railway is completed and extended, it is hoped that soon more commuters will be travelling by Metro. (III) They must match the final number of their car plate to the day's date-if the date is an even number, and so is the final number of the plate, then they can enter the inner-city area. (IV) The same goes for odd number plates and odd dates. (V) This means that 50 per cent of all cars must stay at home each day. D) IV 3. (I) Ever since people realised the Earth was just a tiny part of the universe, they have wondered about the existence of other intelligent life forms. (II) The Earth's position in relation to the Sun makes it the only planet capable of sustaining life. (III) If we were nearer the Sun, the Earth would turn into a desert, completely unsuitable for life. (IV)If we were further away from the Sun, there would not be enough heat to prevent water from freezing. (V) Before long, the Earth would become an Arctic wasteland. A) B) II C) III D) IV E) V 4. (I) For many people eating is no longer simply a way of satisfying their hunger. (II) In modern society, food is often viewed as a pleasure to be enjoyed in moments of relaxation or as a form of reward for some of life's achievements. (III) What's more, people are now choosing foods that are capable of both improving their mood and making them feel healthy. (IV) The primary role of diet is to provide sufficient nutrients to meet the nutritional requirements of an individual. (V)And, as a result,the popularity of these so-called "functional foods" is booming A) B) II C) III D) IV E) surd 6.