Edebiyat Ödev Yardımı
Edebiyat, fikirleri, duyguları ve deneyimleri dil aracılığıyla ifade eden ve ileten bir sanat formudur. Çok çeşitli biçim ve tarzları kapsayan, insan kültürünün ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır. Edebi eserler roman, şiir, drama, deneme ve daha fazlasını içerebilir. Edebiyat yalnızca toplumsal, tarihi ve kültürel arka planı yansıtmaz, aynı zamanda okuyucunun hayal gücüne, duygularına ve eleştirel düşünme yeteneklerine de ilham verir. Edebiyat sayesinde insan, insanlığın iç dünyasını keşfedebilir, farklı bakış açılarını ve değerleri anlayabilir, güzelliğin keyfini yaşayabilir. Edebiyatın kişisel gelişim ve toplumsal gelişim üzerinde önemli bir etkisi vardır.
- Read the claim about becoming a veterinarian who cares for animals. If you wish to become a veterinarian, you need to have great determination to succeed because admission to veterinarlan school is extremely competitive. Which statement best describes the claim? Planning ahead is critical for admission to veterinarian school. Working very hard is critical for admission to velerinarian school. Perseverance is critical for admission to veferinarian school Competitiveness is critical for admission to velerinarian school.
- Read the claim and counterclaim. My sister's dream is to become a makeup artist, and I believe she will excel at it because of her talent and motivation. Some people might think that makeup artistry is a fantasy career. However, there are actually many opportunities in this field; for example, makeup artists are in demand for film, television, commercials, the fashion industry, theater , and weddings. Which statement best describes the counterclaim? Makeup artistry is not a moneymaking career. Makeup artistry is a career with limited opportunities. Makeup artistry is not a practical career. Makeup artistry is a career only for the very talented
- Read the paragraph about a career in math. For people with highly mathematical minds, one of the most financially rewarding careers is that of actuary.An actuary is a person who prodicts the amount of risk in any given set of circumstances. For example, on actuary prodicts how great the risk is of a car collision based on many factors.Actuaries can make a high salary because their skills are in high demand. __ to be an actuary is not easy; an nctuary must pass ten lovels of actuary exams, which can take years to study for. Nevertheless this occupation can be an excollent career choice for mathematical pecple. Choose the best replacement for the transition. However So For Instance In addition
- Read the claim and the counterclaims. Many people think salaries for attorneys are extremely high and more than they deserves, however, __ What is the best counterclaim to complete the statement? The highest salaries for attomeys are found in cities where the cost of living Is high, such as New York. Many attomays work night and day for clemanding companies, working often sixty or eighty hours per week Law school is expensive,and law students need high salaries to pay off their debts when they graduale. Salaries are based on the supply and demand of the economy, over which attorneys have no control.
- Read the Introduction. Every londor must become a competent public speaker, Loadors communicato thoir ideas to big groups of people, and they raily supporters with engaging oration. Critics suggest that some loaders are just as offoctive behind the acenes, working effectively willhout rocognition, but the best leaders have charisma that can be conveyed through their speaches during public appearance events. Which phrase is found in the author's counterclaim? overy leader must become a competent public speaker leaders communicate their likeas to big groups of people some leaders are just as effective behind the scenea they raily supporters with ongaging oration