Edebiyat Ödev Yardımı
Edebiyat, fikirleri, duyguları ve deneyimleri dil aracılığıyla ifade eden ve ileten bir sanat formudur. Çok çeşitli biçim ve tarzları kapsayan, insan kültürünün ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır. Edebi eserler roman, şiir, drama, deneme ve daha fazlasını içerebilir. Edebiyat yalnızca toplumsal, tarihi ve kültürel arka planı yansıtmaz, aynı zamanda okuyucunun hayal gücüne, duygularına ve eleştirel düşünme yeteneklerine de ilham verir. Edebiyat sayesinde insan, insanlığın iç dünyasını keşfedebilir, farklı bakış açılarını ve değerleri anlayabilir, güzelliğin keyfini yaşayabilir. Edebiyatın kişisel gelişim ve toplumsal gelişim üzerinde önemli bir etkisi vardır.
- a Yuklemin turune gore comleter isim ve fill comle si olmak Gzere ikiyo aynlir. "Uzun zamandir buraya gelmemistim comlesinde "gelmemistim sozoogo fill oldugu ipin bu cümle, fill comfesidir. Buna gore, (1) Hafta sonu arkadaslanmla resim sergisine gittim. (II) Sergi umdugumdan daha kalabaliktu. (III)Birkac saat sergide zaman geçirdik. (IV)Cikista da yemek yiyip eviere daguldik. metindeki numaralanmis cümlelerden hangisi fill cümlesi degildir? A) I B) II C) III D) N
- "Yabanclisgaline karsi canini ortaya koyan Kuva-yi Milliye Osmanll Devleti'ne bagli bir kuwet degildir. Türk milletine dayanan ve onun adina faaliyet gósteren bir direnis hareketidir Bu hareket, tek bir grup tarafindan degil topyekün Tùrk milleti tarafindar gerceklestirilmektedir Kuva-yl Milliye Ruhu Türk'tin vatansever lğinden doğmuştur." Halide Edip'in bu sozlerine bakarak Kuva-yl Milliye iein; 1. Belli bir merkeze bagli degildir. II. Osmanll'ya Mesrutiyet'i ger getirmey amaçlamiştir. III. Türk milletir in bagimsizlik arzusunun bir sonucudur. yorumlarindan hangiler yapilabilir? A) I vell B) I vell C) II vell C D) II vell
- C. Complete the sentences usting short answers. is there a cinemo around here? No. __ Nes There is 1. Is there a library near here? Yes, __ 2. Is there a post office next to the cafe? No, __ 3. Are there some shops near us? Yes, __ 4. Is there a shopping centre beside your house? No. __ 5. is there a hospital about five minutes away? Yes, __ 6. Are there any good films at the cinema right now? No. __
- B. Circle the correct answers 1. Are there any cafés in this town? b) No there isn a) Yes, there are a lot of cate's in this town. 2. is there a post office around here? a) Yes, there is apost office around here. b) Yes, there are post offices around here 3. Are there any hospitat in this village? a) No, there isn't any hospitals in this village b) Yes, there are two hospitals in this village 4. Are there any libraries? a) No, there aren't any libraries b) No. mere is not any libranes 5. Is there a bank near your house? a) No, there aren't a bank near my house b) Yes, there is a bank near my house 6. Is there a shopping centre near us? a) Yes, there's a shopping centre near us. b) No, there's no o shopping centre near us 7. Are there any museums? a) Yes, there's are a museum. b) No, there's no museums 8. is there a cinema near the post office? a) No, there's no cinema near the post office b) No, there are no cinema near the post office
- The Iearners are expected to recise lesson I with the bellowing examination questions based on the tepics covered 11 Befinition and Scepe of Education A. Elymological Meaning of Education: Educare, Educeme, Educan 1.Explain the elymelogical enigins of the term education and differentiate believeen educate "educere," and educan 2.How do the meanings of educare,"educeme, and educani reflect different educational philosophies? B. The Modern Meaning of Education 1. Define the medern concept of education and discuss how it has evelwed from traditional definitions. 2.How does the modern meaning of education address The needs of contemperary society? t. The Scope of Education 1.Discuss the movieus dimensions that constitute the scepe of education 2.How does the scepe of education extend beyond formal schooling? 1.2 Torms of Education At Tomal, New formal, and Informal Education 1. Compare and contrast formal, nen-formal, and informal education with examples. 2.Discuss the significance of men-formal and informal education in lifetiong learning. B. Itlelong Zearning 1.Befine likelong learning and explain its importance in the 21st century. 2.What are the key characteristics of likelong learning. and how can't be promoted? 1. Dislance and entime Education 1.Analyse the admintages and challenger of distance and online education. 2. How has the rise of enline education impaded traditional educational systems? 13 thanadenidic of Education A: Transformative Nature 1.Explain here education can be a transformative process for induduals and societies. 2.Provide examples of educational initiatives that have led to significant social change B. Universat Right