Tıbbi Atama Yardımı
Doktorların ihtiyaç duydukları bilgiyi hızlı bir şekilde bulmalarına yardımcı olabilecek, ilaç tedavisi sayısını ve hekimin kötü karar vermesinden kaynaklanan cerrahi hataları büyük ölçüde azaltabilecek elektronik klinik bilgi ve karar destek araçları olsaydı harika olmaz mıydı? Şu anda piyasada size yardımcı olacak birçok tıbbi asistan uygulaması mevcut ve gelişmiş yapay zeka modelleri ve algoritmaları nedeniyle Questionai doğal seçimdir.
Bu tıbbi yardımcı, profesyonel bir tıbbi bilgi ve araç odaklı klinik "karar verme" uygulamasıdır. Amaç doktorların ilaç hatalarını azaltmak ve birinci basamak sağlık hizmetini konumlandırmaktır. İki ana hizmet sağlar: genel tıbbi uzmanlık ve bilgi ile birinci basamak sağlık kuruluşları ve doktorlar için eczane bazlı dönüşüm ve değerlendirme araçları.
- 39. People who are perceived as being physically attractive are also often viewed as more intelligent, kinder and more successful. This is called. (A) the halo effect Social comparison c) the bystander effect d) cognitive dissonance
- 34. If reinforcement is to be most effective in the learning of a new behaviour, the reinforcement should be: a) used primarily with high achievers b) administered on an intermittent schedule c) delayed until the end of the learning period d) provided soon after the desired behaviour occurs 35. Extinction of a classically conditioned response is likely to occur when: a) there is only partial reinforcement b) the conditioned response generalizes the other stimuli c) the unconditioned stimulus is presented continually without the conditioned stimulus 3). the conditioned stimulus is presented continually without the unconditioned stimulus 36. Which of the following is not true of insight? a) Once the solution occurs, it can be repeated promptly b) It depends upon a gradual process of trial and error c) It depends upon the arrangement of the problem situation d) The solution achieved with insight can be applied to new situations 37. Which of the following statements defines attitude? a) Opinion well-grounded in behavioural science b) Uniformed negative evanding a controversial issue or negative evaluation of a person, issue or object d) Belief that is held by most members of the individual's reference group 38. A cancer activist on campus requests a student if she is willing to wear a pink ribbon to show support for cancer awareness, to which the student agrees. The cancer activist then appeals to the student if she is willing to make a donation of P10. This example best demonstrates which persuasion technique? The: 2) door in the ball. foot in the face x door in the face
- 32. The process through which a response is taught by rewarding successive approximations to the final desired response is: a)shaping b) extinction c) primary reinforcement d) secondary reinforcement 33. Which of the following theorists researched observational learning and the effects of modeling on behaviour? a) Ivan Pavlov b) B.F. Skinner c) Albert Bandura d) Lawrence Kohlberg
- 15. Ms. D. was admitted to the hospital with a fractured arm after fighting with thieves who wanted to steal her B's initial reaction was will kill them". Which level of Sigmund Freud'personality structure(s) is Ms D. demonstrating in this statement? c) Superego d) Id and Ego 16. Which of the following defense mechanisms is inaccurate? a) Projection-highlighting threatening thoughts and feelings on to others b) Regression-reverting to modes of behaviour from childhood in order to avoid conflict Reaction formation -transforming emotional or affective drives into rational intentions d) Displacement-redirecting thoughts, feelings and impulses to a less threatening person or object 17. Which theory enlists perfectionism, impulsivity and rigidity as part of personality? a) Trait b) Social c) Cognitive d) Humanistic
- Notlannizi tamamladiktan sonra sizin odaklandiginiz problem ile benzer ya da farkli problemlere odaklanan arkadaşlariniz in olup olmadigin belirleyi- niz. Kimler problem cúmlesini daha net ifade etmis?Problem cümlesinin daha net olmasini saglayan durumlar nelerdir?Yaziniz.