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Bu dünya ve her ülke hakkındaki genel izleniminizi yükseltmek istemelisiniz. En azından var olan medeniyetler ve Dünya‘da olup bitenler hakkında iyi bir fikre sahip olmalısınız. Eğer bu doğruysa, çağrınıza hazır olacağız.
Fransız Devrimi ve Napolyon'un fiili iktidara yükselişinden İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın tetikleyicisine ve arkasındaki gizli ekonomik sorunlara kadar cevapları bu büyük “ansiklopedide” bulacaksınız. Sorularınızı sormak için ev ödevi yardımcısı sosyal bilgiler'i kullanabilirsiniz; biz de sizi en yetkili yanıtlarla eşleştiririz. Bu kadar basit. Bugün sosyal bilgiler notlarınızı yükseltmeye başlayın.
- Text 1 Question ID 03080769 10: 03050769 Philosopher GE Moorel most influential work entails the concept of common sense. He asserts that there are certain that all people including philoophers know instinctively to be true, whether or not they profess otherwise among them that they have bodies or that they exist in a world with other objects that have three dimensions. Moore's careful work on common sense may seem obvious but was in fact proundbreaking a I works skepticism is a philosophical stance supposing that we cannot be sure of the existence of anything our can minds. During a lecture, G.E. Moore once offered a proof refuting this stance by holding out his hands and saying. There is one hand and here is another."Many philosopheres reflectively reject this proof (Annalisa Coliva called obviously annoying failure") but have found it a challenge to articulate exactly why the prooffaits. Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 1 most likely respond to proponents of the philosophical stance outlined in Text 2? By agreeing with those proponents that Moore's treatment of positions that contradict his own is fundamentally A. unserious By suggesting thatan instinctive distaste for Moore's position is preventing external work skeptics from constructing B. a sufficiently rigorous refusation of Moove By arguing that if it is valu to assert that some facts are true based on instinct it is also volid to assert that some C. proofs are inacksquate based on instinet By pointing out that Moore would assert that external world skepticism is at odtis with other beliefs those proponents D. must unaroidably hold
- Text 1 Public policy researcher Anthony Fowler studied the history of elections in Australia a country that requires citizens to vote. Fowler argues that requiring citizens to vote leads to a significant increase in voters who would otherwise not have the time or motivation to vote. Thus, election results in countries that require citizens to vote better reflect the preferences of the country as a whole. Text 2 Governments in democratic countries function better when more people vote. However, forcing people to vote may have negative consequences. Shane P.Singh and Jason Roy studied what happens when a country requires its citizens to vote. They found that when people feel forced to vote, they tend to spend less time looking for information about their choices when voting. As a result, votes from these voters may not reflect their actual preferences. Based on the texts , how would Singh and Roy (Text 2) most likely respond to the research discussed in Text 1? A. Only countries of a certain population size should implement mandatory voting. People who are forced to vote are likely to become politically engaged in other ways, such as volunteering or running B. for office. Requiring people to vote does not necessarily lead to election outcomes that better represent the preferences of the C. country as a whole. D. Countries that require voting must also make the process of voting easier for their citizens.
- 1. "Maminterin iman bakimindan en mGkemmell. ahlak bakimindan en güzel olanidir." (Ebu Davud. Sonnet 15.) Bu hadisten; 1. Islam dini ahlak konusuna büyúk ônem ver- miştir. II. Ahlakl olanlarin ibadet etmesine gerek yoktur. III. Iman ve ahlak ayrilmaz bir bútúndúr. yargilarindan hangileri cikarilamaz? A) Yalniz I B) Yalniz II C) I ve III D) II ve III
- Reform süreciyle kiliseye ve din adamlarina duyulan gũven sarsildi. Egitim ve Ogretimde dinin etkisi azaldi Papa ve din adamlarinin kral ve prensler üzerindeki etkisi sona erdi. Katolik mezhebinden ayrilan Glkelerde kilisenin mal- larina el kondu . Hristiyanlikta yeni mezhepler kuruldu ve mezhep savaşlari başladi. Buna gõre Reform süreciyle birlikte; I. Kilisenin sayginlig azalmiştir. II. Dúşünce ozgürlügünün õnündeki engeller artmiştir. III. Hristiyanlikta mezhep birlig parçalanmiştir. sonuçlarindan hangilerinin ortaya çiktigi soylenebilir? A) Ive II B) I ve III
- rules of inference are used in this famous argument? "All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal. 2) What rules of inference are used in this argument? "No man is an istand, Manhattan is an island. Therefore, Manhaltan is not a man.