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Bu dünya ve her ülke hakkındaki genel izleniminizi yükseltmek istemelisiniz. En azından var olan medeniyetler ve Dünya‘da olup bitenler hakkında iyi bir fikre sahip olmalısınız. Eğer bu doğruysa, çağrınıza hazır olacağız.
Fransız Devrimi ve Napolyon'un fiili iktidara yükselişinden İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın tetikleyicisine ve arkasındaki gizli ekonomik sorunlara kadar cevapları bu büyük “ansiklopedide” bulacaksınız. Sorularınızı sormak için ev ödevi yardımcısı sosyal bilgiler'i kullanabilirsiniz; biz de sizi en yetkili yanıtlarla eşleştiririz. Bu kadar basit. Bugün sosyal bilgiler notlarınızı yükseltmeye başlayın.
- 4. Ogretici gercekten akilliysa Sizleri kendi aklinin evine sokmaya değil Kendi aklinizin eşigine dogru yürütmeye callşir. Rakamlarin bilimiyle ugraçan kimse, Sizlere olçü ve tartinin yapisalligindan sóz edebilir, Ama sizleri onlarin âlemine sokamaz. Cúnkú bir insan duyus ve anlayis kanatlarini Bir başkasina odüng veremez. Bu düsünceleri savunan kişi icin aşagidakiler- den hangisi soylenemez? A) Kişisel farkllllklar dogal karşilar. B) insanlara dusunce ozgürlugu tanir. C) Herkesin ayni bilgiyi farkll yorumlayacağina inanir. D)Benmerkezci düsünerek herkesin kendi kalip-
- Q1. What does security dilemma mean for J.Herz? a) kill or kill b) kill or perish c) leave or die d) none QUESTIONS Q2. Why Morgenthau's realist understanding is so pessimistic about nature of the international politics? a) because intemational system is anarchical b) because human nature is unchangeable and reveals lust for power c) because even if human being can change its natural inclination, national collectivity should fallow particularistic egoist interest of the individual. d) because there is no way to overcome fear which is the direct outcome of the security dilemma. Q3 W. Wilson rejected idea of ......... __ as a security providing concept, instead he embraced idea of __ a) Collective security, balance of power b) Balance of power, collective security c) Offense, defense d) Defense, offense Q 4. How you can describe H. Morgenthau'actors interacting in international environment? a) they are states b) they are rational c) they are power -maximizers d) all Q 5. Why balance of power is almost a mechanical outcome of the system according to Kenneth Waltz? a) because actors are power maximizers b) because actors are utility maximizers c) because actors are security maximizers d) none Q 6. Which sentence below is false? a) According to Neo-Realism structure is the main determinant for the actor's behaviors in the international environment. b) There is no difference between K. Waltz and S. Walt, both figures are representative of Defensive Realism. c) According to Power Transition Theory, parity is the marker of whether there is a risk of hegemonic war in the system. d) According to F Zakaria, not only systemic but also domestic factors affect actor's behaviors in the international environment. According to Walzian Realism,which sentence below is false? a) Actors are states,they are rational alike units. b) Actors are differentiated according to distribution of power. c) Actors try to get excessive power in order to maximize their security d) None Q8. What the actors do under Waltzian Realism? a)Buck-passing b)- bandwagoning c)-struggle for hegemony d)-balancing
- Q14. What is the main difference between D.Mitrany's and E. Haas' functionalist understanding. a) D. Mitrany's functionalism is based on subsidiarity whereas E. Haas underlined that integration is a bureaucratic upside-down project. b) D. Mitrany talked about spill-over impact whereas E.Haas did not give any importance to spill over as a driving force behind integration process. c) D.Mitrany did not refer weakening of state-sovereignty whereas E. Haas took the EEC/EU as a main example of integration trend and stated that as a result of integration a supra-national new center over the authorities of states should emerge. d) None Q15 What is the main difference between Wilsonian Idealism and Liberal IR theories? a) According to Wilsonian idealism there is natural harmony of interests among the actors and subjects of international politics, thus they just need to find out what is their true interest.However, for Liberal IR theories actors can easily fall into conflict as a result of either interaction or because of protectionist agendas, hence the actors, for liberal thought,need assistance of certain schemes like integration, international organizations and regimes in order to solve these disputes peacefully. b) For Wilsonian Idealism Kant can be accepted as an inspiration source, whereas for Liberal IR we should look to more modern time ideas like Game Theory. c) According to Wilson,collective security is a form of effective deterrence against aggression, Liberal IR brought no idea about either collective security nor collective defense. d) All Q16 Zakaria offers Neoclassical Realism in order to understand __ a) Why defense has advantage over offense b) How actors' domestic intervariable and systemic factors of time intersect and collectively shape actor's foreign policy c) How power parity affects power hierarchies in the international politics d) How balance of threat is occurred in the system Q17 What is critical for Power Transition Theory for systemic stability a) Parity of power between leader and followers b) Intentions of actors to destabilize leader's position c) Balance of power d) All Q18 What is Great Illusion for Normal Angell? a) Nationalism b) Protectionism c) Mercantalism d) all Q19 Please state which theory and its source of inspiration is wrong? a) Transactionalism- NATO b) Functionalism-League of Nations c) Neo-Functionalism-European Integration d) Intergovernmentalism-EU Q20 Which one below is not one of the criteria to determine threatening actor in the system according to Walt. a)Geographical proximity b)defensive capabilities c) offensive capabilities d) offensive intentions
- Q9. What the actors do not within the world of Mearsheimer's Realism? bandwagoning balancing a) c) buck-passing d) struggle for hegemony Q10. Which one below cannot be seen as a Realist figure? a) Robert Gilpin b) Kennoth Waltz c) David Mitrany d) Fareed Zakaria Q11. Which one below is assumed as an auxiliary debate occurring in the late 70s early 80s about possibility of cooperation in IR? a) Idealism-Realism debate b) Defensive-Offensive Realism debate c) Behaviorism-Traditionalism debate d) Neo-Neo debate Q12. Which concept below was developed by K Deutsch? a) spill over impact b) security communities c) functionalism d) complex interdependency Q 13. What is the name of liberal understanding of A. Moravscik? a) Neo-Liberalism b) Game Theory c) Offensive Realism d) Inter-Governmentalism
- Soru kişiyi suça toplum mu iter yoksa kendisi mi iter ? benim konum kendisi iter uzun ve etkili bir konusma yapar misiniz ? ha bide 5 veya 6 tane soru lütfenn hizll nevraniyalmaden - Usta