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Fransız Devrimi ve Napolyon'un fiili iktidara yükselişinden İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın tetikleyicisine ve arkasındaki gizli ekonomik sorunlara kadar cevapları bu büyük “ansiklopedide” bulacaksınız. Sorularınızı sormak için ev ödevi yardımcısı sosyal bilgiler'i kullanabilirsiniz; biz de sizi en yetkili yanıtlarla eşleştiririz. Bu kadar basit. Bugün sosyal bilgiler notlarınızı yükseltmeye başlayın.
- Agağidakilerden hangisi Havalimani Güvenlik Komisyonunun oluşturulma nedeni değildir? A. Mülki Idare Amirliginin gõrevlerinin yürütũlmosi konularinda yardimci olmak B. Havalimaninda bulunan havacilik işletmolori ve diger paydaşlar ila koordinasyonur saglanmasi C. MSHGP'nin gũvenlik programinin uygulanmasi D. Havalimanindaki uçaklann teknik anzalarinin gidorilmosi
- I. Emniyet Subo Md. II.Havalimani işleticisi yônoticisi III. Jandarma birik komutani IV. Gümrük Mũdürü Yukaridakilerden hangileri Havalimani Givenlik Komisyonu ũyesidir? A. H-II-IV B. I-III-IV C. Hopsi D. I-II-III
- Exam Rules and Guidelines: 1. Students whoarrive late at the exam venue are allowed to attend the exam only within the first 30 minutes. However, they are not given additional time 2. Students cannot leave the exam venue during the first 30 minutes 3. Electronic devices, including mobile phones, tablets. smartwatches and carphones, are not allowed in the exam. 4. Students are not allowed to communicate or exchange items (e.g. pencils, crasers ctc.) between each other during the exam. Please raise your hand and ask the instructorinvigilator if you need anything 5. This exam paper consists of Apages and has 40 questions. Student's Signature __ Good Luck! Questions: 1. The IGOs that have been more successful are ones that are __ in scope with a __ purpose A) regional; general B) regional; specific C) continental; general D) global; specific 2. A current example of a regional IGO is the __ tion of the Petroleum Exporting Organization Countries B) Association of South East Asian Nations C) International Monetary Fund D) United Nations 3.International norms are __ A) effective because they become irregular over time B) most effective when different states hold different expectations of what is normal C) not effective in shaping state behavior D) sometimes institutionalized through intergovernmental organizations 1. The UN's peacekeeping forces are __ A) a standing army ready to be deployed at a moment's notice B) assembled by the Secretary General each time a mission is deemed necessary C) mostly led by one of the five permanent members of the Security Council D) funded out of the general UN budget Which country is a permanent member of the UN Security Council? Introduction to International Relations - Falls A) Indis B) France C)Japan D) Germany 6. All UN members are represented in which institution? A) Security Council B) Economic and Social Council C) Secretariat D) General Assembly Security Council rotate? A) once a yeat B) once every two years C) once every five years D) once a decade 8. What can the permanent members of the UN Security Council do that nonperm anent members cannot? A) abstain on resolutions B) veto resolutions C) request a meeting of the Security Council D) set the agenda of the Security Council 9. What is one way in which the power of the UN Security Council is limited? A) Its decisions depend entirely on the interests of its member states. II) The UN General Assembly can override its Jecisions C) Member states adhere to Security Council resolutions D) Eight of the ten nonpermanent members can override a permanent member veto 10. One purpose of the UN Secretariat is to __ A) administer UN policy and programs B) serve as theoretical experts and military adviser on various programs and projects C) represent their respective member states at the D) develop national civils servants whose loyalties at the state level 11. Autonomous agencies attiliated with the UN, but n under its control, include the __ A) World Health Organization and the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization B) World Intellectual Property Organization and the Office of the UN High Commissione for Refugees C) World Meteorological Association and the UN Children's Fund D) International Civil Aviation Organization and the UN Environment Program 12. The functions of the United Nations include __ A) providing a forum in which tribes can settle disputes without the use offorce Semoter Page 1241 Final Can
- international arencies and process. D) coercing states into abiding by international few 13. Applying quotas on imports is a policy that would be followed by a __ B) conspiratot C) firemariet capitalist D) protectionist state 14. The halence of trade is the value o's state's imports relative to its __ A) hodpet halance B) trade stafus C) exchange rate D) exports 15. When states specialire in producing the goods that they produce hest and trading for goods that other states are better at producing, they are operating acconting to __ A) the comparative advantage B) the absolute advantage C) transaction costs D) patterns of trade 16. A state that avoids trading ahogether and instead tries to produce everything it needs by itself is following a strategy of __ . A) mercantilism B) economic liberalism C) autarky D) comparative advantage 17. A tariff is a type of tax imposed on __ by a state. A) luxury goods B) revenues C) imports D) exports 18. The growth in the International Organization happened in the __ A) After Westphalia B) Post-Cold War C) After World War 1 D) Congress of Vienna 19. Tas breaks, loans,and guaranteed high prices arc examples of what type of protectionism? A) tariffs B)quotas o D) sutrodies 20. Economic liberalion is not concerned with whether one state pains more of less than another, just whether the state's wealth is increasing in aboolute that each state must protictit can interests at the expense of others A) True B) Fake 21. Astar's erchusive (EED) it recepnired to extend how far from the countline? miles B) 12miles C) 100miles D) 200miles 22 __ is the regaining of territory lost to another state. A) Federalism C) Irredentism D) sovereignty 23 __ is separating from an existing country to form a new country Efforts by province or region to leave existing state A) Federalism B) Secesionism C) Irredentism D) Sovereignty 24. Perhaps the most crucial source of conflict in the various wars currently taking place in African and all over the world is __ . A) family conflict B) Fascism C) forestry resources 25. __ D) ethnic conflict gain some objective short of the surrender and occupation of the enemy A) Limited war B) Raids: C) Civil war D) Guerrilla war 26 __ at type of limited wars that consist of asingle action; can become a low-intensity conflict A) World War B) Raids C) Civil war D) Guerrilla war 27. __ between factions within a state to create, or prevent, a new government for entire state or some territorial part of it A) Limited war: Fall Semestor 2024-2025-Final Exam
- Aşağidakilerden hangisi Ortakliğimiz için tanimlanmiş dis bağlamlardan biri değildir? A. Coğrafi konum B. ilgili taraflarin ihtiyaç ve beklentileri C. Ulusal ve uluslararasi yasal gereklilikler D. Calişanlarin mosloki yetorliligi