Sosyal Bilgiler Ödev Yardımı
Bu dünya ve her ülke hakkındaki genel izleniminizi yükseltmek istemelisiniz. En azından var olan medeniyetler ve Dünya‘da olup bitenler hakkında iyi bir fikre sahip olmalısınız. Eğer bu doğruysa, çağrınıza hazır olacağız.
Fransız Devrimi ve Napolyon'un fiili iktidara yükselişinden İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın tetikleyicisine ve arkasındaki gizli ekonomik sorunlara kadar cevapları bu büyük “ansiklopedide” bulacaksınız. Sorularınızı sormak için ev ödevi yardımcısı sosyal bilgiler'i kullanabilirsiniz; biz de sizi en yetkili yanıtlarla eşleştiririz. Bu kadar basit. Bugün sosyal bilgiler notlarınızı yükseltmeye başlayın.
- The debate about net neutrality consists of two main sides. Which of the following is one of those sides? Those who provide Internet service should be treated as common carriers legally whibited from discriminating based on the customer or nature of the goods. People should pay Internet providers a premium for faster service, since you pay for what you get. Companies should invest in making improvements to their Internet service or expanding those services to underserved areas. Designating those who provide Internet service as common carriers would constitute a reasonable regulatory burden.
- According to Durkheim, which of the following is NOT a social fact? A law A custom All of the above are social facts A religious belief
- A paradigm can be defined as: The consequences of a social process that are sought or anticipated Social patterns that have undesirable consequences for the operation of society The social ties that bind a group of people together such as kinship, shared location, and religion Philosophical and theoretical frameworks used within a discipline to formulate theories generalizations, and the experiments performed in support of them.
- Which theorist claimed that people rise to their proper level in society based solely on personal merit? Émile Durkheim Karl Marx Max Weber Herbert Spencer
- __ view society as a structure with interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of individuals who make up that society. Social Individualists Symbolic Interactionists Conflict Theorists Structural Functionalists