İş Atama Yardımı
Standart bir iş ödevi yazmak çoğu genç için asla kolay bir iş değildir. Görev konusunun, iş türünün ve yönünün iyi anlaşılmasını gerektirir; ödev için mükemmel taslak ve içerik çerçevesini geliştirmenin yanı sıra, ana metni yazma işine başlamanın yanı sıra metnin daha sonraki bir aşamada düzeltmelerini yapmak.
Bu nedenle, iyi fikirler edinmek için sıklıkla profesyonel görev yardımcıları ararlar. İster makalenin çerçevesini almak için yapay zekaya bazı talimatlar yazmak olsun, ister ilgi çekici konulara ulaşmak için ondan yardım istemek olsun. Eşsiz kalitede çözümleri anında geliştirmek için bizi tercih edebilirsiniz.
- What is the advantage of using agents and broken when a firm does not have its...........................eave not nave not sales force? sales former and brokers have A. Asents and brokers sand and somediaries for the mark of the C. Agents and brokers have extresyndicated selling D. E. Agents and 1. What do businesses use to identify, record,and retain financial information, and businessme, reports, procedures and other resources needed to compile transactions? A. Accounting information systems B. Financial accounting C. Bookkeeping D Accounting E. Managerial accounting 7. Which stage of the consumer buying process is exemplified by accessing a web search for magazine articles about a product prior to making a purchase? A. Post-purchase evaluation B. Problem solving C. Information seeking D. Purchasing the product E. Recognizing a need 8. SAMSUNG practice __ for its smartphones by offering featu curved-edge displays, stylus functionality and advanced multitasking cap These features provide a unique user experience and set Samsung's smartphones, such as the Galaxy S and Note series, apart from other device market. A. Marketing strategy B. Product differentiation C. Place distribution D. Personal selling E. Product positioning 9. What is the next act? the product development process when test m: positive for a product? A. Prototype development B. Business analysis C. Concept testing D. Commercialization E. Product diversification
- What is the advantage of using agents and brokers when a firm does not have its one. sales force? A. Agents and brokers have extensive knowledge of the needs of consumers. B. Agents and brokers gather and sort information for online consumers. C. Agents and brokers can act as e-intermediaries for internet D. Agents and brokers have extensive knowledge of the markets and merchandise. E. Agents and brokers encourage syndicated selling. What do businesses use to identify, record,and retain financial information and includes the people, reports.procedures and other resources needed to compile transactions? A. Accounting information systems B. Financial accounting C. Bookkeeping D. Accounting E. Managerial accounting 7. Which stage of the consumer buying process is exemplified by accessing a websi search for magazine articles about a product prior to making a purchase? A. Post-purchase evaluation B. Problem solving C. Information seeking D. Purchasing the product E. Recognizing a need 8. SAMSUNG practice __ for its smartphones by offering features curved-edge displays, stylus functionality and advanced multitasking capabi These features provide a unique user experience and set Samsung's fla market. smarphones, such as the Galaxy S and Note series, apart from other devices i A. Marketing strategy B. Product differentiation C. Place distribution D. Personal selling E. Product positioning 9. What is the next step in the product development process when test marketi positive for a product? A. Prototype development B. Business analysis C. Concept testing D. Commercialization E. Product diversification
- 20. Projenin onaylanan bütce dahilinde tamamlanmasi icin mallyetler planlama, tahmin etme, burceleme finansman, yonetme ve kontrol etme stireçlerin iceren proje yônetimi bilgi birikimi alani asagidakilerden hangisidir? a) Proje Finansal Yonetimi b) Proje Maliyet Yonetimi c) Proje lletisim Yonetimi d) Proje Kalite Yonetimi e) Proje Risk Yōnetimi
- 19. Projenin Ostlendigi Ihtiyaçlan karyllayacak yekilde kalite politikalarm, amaglarmive sorumluluklarini belirleyen sureclerive faaliyetleri iceren proje yonetimi bilgi birikimi alan aşagidakilerden hangisidir? a) Proje kapsam yonetimi b) Proje iletisim- yonetimi c) Proje paydas yonetimi d) Proje kalite yōnetimi e) Proje tedarik yonetimi
- 18. Proje yonetimini "Proje gereksinimlerini karsilamak icin proje faaliyetlerine bilgi, becerl, araglar ve tekniklerin uygulanm asidir" seklinde tanimlayan kurum aşagidakilerden hangisidir a)PMI (Project Management Institute) b) APM (Associatior for Project Management) c) FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) d) ICE (The Institution of Civil Engineers) c) ASTM (American Institute of Steel Construction)